What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Me...No Danger

 Hari Om
...and thanks to the people who have all reached out in enquiry about Storm Isha. Some had heard reports of "80mph" winds...and yes, there have been eighty gusts as I prepare this interim post, but mostly hovering around sixty-five to seventy. The Hutch is a solid building on raised and solid ground, so no immediate danger. Others may be faring less well.

The prodigious amount of rain is another issue...🌧️🌧️🌧️

I did something I never do unless unwell... I stayed in bed!!! Did my puzzles, watched the indoor bowls final, read and commented blogs, listened audio book and did some catch-up zzzzzz. Then prepared this rare Monday post. All from the Gopika πŸ“±!!!!!!!

Normal service will now resume. 


  1. Glad you are safe. The sanctuary of bed is a good place to be when the world get wild! Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  2. Always important to distinguish between gusts and average wind speeds!
    Gail all's well at the Hutch.
    Cheers, Gail.

  3. that was my plan for yesterday... but the pups had other ideas... please stay safe, we try to be strong...

  4. Good to hear that you are ok

  5. Lately, the weather has been way too much of an issue. What happened to just a plain old rainy day? Why does everything have to be a huge storm now. We're happy to hear that you are safe!

  6. I am so glad you are safe, the wind gusts sound awful. Reading is my favorite activity on a rainy day. Take care, have a great day and happy new week!

  7. Your mattress will be happy to be relieved of the extra burden it had to endure, and doubtless you will be equally pleased to be dressed and up and about again.

  8. the perfect thing to do, stay in bed and do what can be done from there. glad the worst is gone, and I see 3 other friends are safe also. got all the info in one place. sorry about all the rain that coninues.

  9. Pleased to read that you have survived the latest tempest unscathed, with Hutch unscathed and that it provided a degree of inspiration to draft a post.

  10. YAM this has been the craziest weather ever. I'm thankful you and the Hutch are good.
    Yesterday it was warmer in Utah than it was in North Carolina. 35 here 22 here.
    Lana's daily chore is shoveling a loo path for wee Ernie who is as we all know vertically challenged and 100% not a fan of snow freaks sticking to his undercarriage. Some of her wonderful neighbors have been going around plowing drive ways several times a day. I think this week will be warming up for them.
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. Hi Yam - lots of weather to say the least ... glad all's well up in Yam's home. Though more to come I gather ... nothing like a lazy day, especially one that can be partly in bed keeping everything at bay! Sounds ideal - cheers Hilary

  12. We're glad to hear that all is well at the Hutch. We had some big winds a couple of weeks ago that took out our power for almost 24 hours. A tree fell and took out our power line.


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