What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menolyrical; Final Friday Feature

Today is celebrated in India as Republic Day - it commemorates the day the Indian Constitution went into force in 1950, three years following the announcement of the British withdrawal of government in August 1947. That constitution, which was inclusive of all Indian-born individuals regardless of political, social, or religious loyalties, truly worked toward egalitarian goals and a homogenous nation. 

It seems that very constitution is under threat. The past ten years have seen some sort of slow-form coup take place, sucking many along in its wake rather unsuspecting. Autocracy is undermining true democracy, no matter how much it shouts otherwise. Further, the autocrat in charge appears to wish it a theocracy also - which, as always with such plays, is subverting - indeed perverting - the pure philosophy of the faith it purports to uphold. 

Some of the knots in my heart have been tied and twisted as there is sorrow for that path in a country I hold dear.

Today is celebrated down under as Australia Day. It makes me homesick for the wide brown land. However, I count myself as one of a growing number of Aussies who seek to change the emphasis of the celebration - for it was set up to commemorate the landing of Capt Cook et al. and the first interactions with indigenous people. Controversial to a significant degree as history seeks to balance itself and answer for some of the wrongs perpetrated.

I am tied to that Lucky Country, its knots hold me to it even at this great distance and passing of time. Those knots twist and turn in me now as I face making decisions about whether to repatriate. I cannot leave it too much longer, for this body ages faster than its years.

Today is another very personal anniversary. It was on this date in 1968 that the grandmother of whom I am a doppelganger made a sudden departure. She was 67. Two years older than I am now. I am realistic... Our family's average lifespan hovers around 75 (based on all grandparents, several aunts and uncles, and my own parents - dad did well to reach into his 80s). Do I have it in me to make one final globe-crossing change in life? It intrigues me that, for the first time ever in this life, I cannot see clearly the direction to take. 

This may, in part, be due to the renewal (and newly laid) ties here in the Bonny Land. I am blessed to have the life comforts that I do, as well as being spoiled for choice and the freedom to make it.

There are ties here in the intermutts, too! You, dear readers, have been welcoming, accepting, Loving... I am so very grateful for that. Sandra the MadSnapper sent me one of her wonderful AI creations when she read my recent poems about the knots, it is the perfect illustration for this post. 

I have always been good at unravelling the knots. Some, of course, are meant to stay with us, for there can be no perfection if imperfection is absent by which to compare.

As "Fearbruary" approaches, I am seeking to shake it up a bit (barring truly serious weather) and get on the road before that month is out.

Keep watching and reading, dear ones!!!


  1. Oh, my dearest blogger friend. First apologies for my absence from checking on you. No excuse other than frame of mind. Having a good day so wanted to stop by and see what was going on with you. Sounds like a lot. At least in your mind. Decisions can come a bit harder as we have more trips around the sun. Do send hugs and good wishes as you move toward your decision. namaste, janice xx and a great big hunk of the big ell!

  2. Go back to Australia, YAM. It’s where you belong.

  3. I'm hoping the writing about your decision - to stay or to go - will help untie some of those knots. I know what I would do, but I am not you so it doesn't even make sense to frame the issue this way!
    Cheers, Gail.

  4. maybe you can sit down and you can listen to your heart...and then you can maybe make a decision what feels like the right one...

  5. So many countries are sliding that way. Sad and scary.
    Easy Weimaraner is right..

  6. Hopefully Democracy wins, the same is happening here. The decision to stay or go, is very hard. I know you will make the right decision, what makes you happy. Love the hummer image. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend.

  7. Sometimes all it takes is the first step. You might not be certain that something is the right thing to do, but to try often determines it one way or another. Stepping out of the comfort of status quo, overcoming inertia (or hysteresis - the mind is willing the body needs to catch up). I get it - home is home, but leaving here (which is also home) will be a tough first step to take. FF link: https://tiggerswee-blog.blogspot.com/2024/01/delicate.html

  8. If it is an option, I would suggest a trip to Australia before making the decision. I found the last time I returned to my home in Savannah, there was nothing the same, all the memorial moments of living there are gone, torn down by progress, and almost every one I knew is dead and gone, also i feel different at this age that when i was there.
    only you know what you want and can do. it is a hard one... knots are hard, I struggle with them too.
    I think what I am trying to say, is that was then this is now and before THE MOVE, give it a visit. or NOT. ha ha
    I am sure you are waying the pros and cons like i do...

  9. The AI humming bird Sandra highlighted was absolutely breathtaking. That photo is a good example of why they are called little Jewels. YAM I send you warm thoughts as you try to untangle the knots of decision.
    Hugs cecilia

  10. Good luck with decisions. I cannot presume to tell you what to do, nor would I. I love your adventures no matter where you go!
    I am sure things will sort themselves out. All the best, dear YAM! XX

  11. I pray that your knots loosen, and your Fearburary turns into a Braverary!

    This is my FFF post!

  12. I hope that you can get the knots unraveled, YAM♥

  13. We have our paws crossed that you will make the right decision for you.

  14. We live and act in eternal hope! πŸ™πŸ˜Š

  15. I'm sure you will change the family's lifespan history by making it to the century.

    Glad you expressed concern about India.


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