What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoot And Laid Flat

Well.... it's all got a bit messy. This post is going to be an attempt to draw a few threads together and bring things back on an even keel. I lay no expectation upon it to actually achieve that, as - at the time of writing (yesterday arvo) I am still technically COVID Positive and slightly gaga. But a good deal less gaga than I was the day before that and the blotto of the previous three days. 

I've done virtually nothing. I've been unable even to work on my favourite hobby. And for those who wondered, The Grey was refused service due to my status, and we can only reschedule once I have fully confirmed a negative test. 

Let's go back. First, given some comments to last week's fill-in, I would remind you all that this blog is never actually time accurate - unless specifically told otherwise, you must understand that the reports are coming anywhere between 10 days and (in the case of Tuesday's posts) months after the happenings. This happens because a) it takes time to download and process images, as well as to gather my thoughts, b) I like to schedule things, and c) most of all, for security. I know of bloggers, particularly solo female travellers, who have been stalked. It is one thing to have folk interested in what one does and where one is, quite another to be followed. Literally.

Anyway, near the end of April, I got the call to get over to Hawick to visit our oldest aunty, who is lying in her last days. (Of course, since that call, she is still with us, but every day offers change.) So it was farewell, Dunoon, morning Hawick... and making good use of the aire offered by the local council.

It's easy to see we are entering the holiday season proper, as there was a good lot of company for The Grey! I recall I told you of this on the last official "Thirds Trip" post—and that after spending some time here, I was heading to Moffat.

I did so via the aforementioned Grey Mare's Tail. Now, you never actually saw the waterfall that carries that name because it requires one to climb a very significant hill. One we used to scamper up and down as kids with no thought of tomorrows or yesterdays or times in between. It's a part of this country that is firmly part of my roots and will be explored more at another time. Then, it was just a landscape anomaly near where Grandad shepherded. Now, it's a major tourist attraction under the care of the National Trust for Scotland. Even though it was busy while I was there, it still held that sense of place for me and I breathed deeply of the cool, fresh air that flowed down the brae with the water.

Aitch caught up with me there - just as a thunderstorm hit. Together we drove the next few miles to the caravan park where she'd arranged accommodations for us. The purpose of this week was for her to join in a gathering of geocachers and participate in various activities, as well as lots of actual geocaching. I was there as a 'muggle', one who can cache without getting into all the gadgetry and gimmicks. Support crew, or "go for" if you will. I was looking forward to sharing Aitch's purpose and as we went into the first evening gathering, I completely forgot myself - and on each gathering over the weekend. The mantra I have raised ad infinitum since 2020... WEAR YOUR MASK ...for reasons I cannot explain (beyond being distracted by the sense of adventure) got totally forgotten. Which might have meant nothing - but as you are now aware, meant everything.

I am in the vulnerable/at-risk health category, and it is entirely my own fault that I did not safeguard myself. It is fair to accept that wearing masks may not be a 100% health security measure, but NOT wearing them, when in that category, certainly is foolhardy, not to say, risky. 

Before it got to that, though, the week was filled with wonder and fun, and I will share a bit more of that with you before we hit the tale of woe, when I can get my tech to comply.

Because that is the other thing that seems to be going wrong. I have a lovely film of road tripping through the Borders and after three attempts, YTube has totally mangled it every time... and now, just as I am about get going again, I can't seem to get my photos app to work on the OctoKan....sigh....... so there MIGHT be a post tomorrow... or there might not.......


  1. Glad you and Haitch had a bit of a good time, geocaching and all, but the Covid bit stinks. If you are still at home recovering, Godspeed, and if you are oot and aboot, that's good too.

  2. Hi Yam - all the best ... and sorry about the Grey too ... honestly - tough times ... take care and sent with thoughts. It does sound like you've some lovely memories of your trip with Haitch ... cheers - Hilary

  3. Stay well, Take care.
    Thanks for your post and photos.

  4. That you felt too ill even to crochet tells us all we need to know about the seriousness of the situation. I hope things continue to improve.
    Cheers, Gail.

  5. I wasn't well too for a couple of days. Hope you're fine by now.

  6. I am imaging how bad it is to be so sick and contained in the Grey instead of at home, where you have full access to bed and rest room facilities and a shower... Hope you are better today. your photos today, all the ones with buildings in them, are so beautiful and that is what I see in my mind when reading a book that is set in Scotland.. the one over the ears of the COO on your dash is my favorite. that view spread out in front of your van is perfect to me. you are right to not post pics on the day you are at a place. safety first. I to put things in drafts and some sit there for days or even weeks.

    1. Hari OM
      As you will read in a later post *if I remember*, being sick in Grey is preferable... because everything is within reach! And am perfectly good at swabbing down with a cloth, no shower required. Yxx

  7. Seems like both you and The Grey are in need of service right now and I hope that you will both soon be tuned up and ready to go. All the best - David

  8. Covid stinks and I hope you are back to 100% soon. I agree with wearing a mask whenever you feel that it is necessary.

  9. I am so sorry, YAM! You are right, though, The Grey is perfect for cocooning.
    I often wrestle with up-to-date posts, vs. ones that don't broadcast that we are out of the house. Besides, it takes time to process media.
    You just do your best, and we will see you on the other side of this. 🤗 XX

  10. YAM I am so sorry this horrid COVID bug jumped on you while you were having such a good time.
    I am happy to see/read that you are at least UPRIGHT...some of the day. Take care of YOU and The Grey.
    Very happy to read that your whereabouts on your post are 10 days past...so many crazies out there.
    Seem to remember on one of your adventures two scoundrels tried to get into The Grey
    Sending lots of purrs and hugs

  11. Sending get well wishes and for keeping your spirits up.

  12. That Covid will get you when you least expect it. Take care and feel better soon. We both just got our booster. We have gotten all that we have been eligible for and just hope it gives us enough protection. Hugs

  13. I'm glad to hear you are mending...and hope the computer problems straighten themselves out.

  14. Uhoh ... take care and get well soonest!

  15. We're sorry to hear you are still down with the crud. Our paws are crossed that you feel better soon.

  16. uh oh. I have noticed myself not wearing my mask when out recently at doctors appointments. Guess I better quit relaxing so much and take care. I hope you are fully recovered by this time.


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