What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoturals; Saturday Sounds

As I made out on my next road trip, the first park up was in a small Lanarkshire town called Carnwath. It has little going for it beyond being a close neighbour of New Lanark, Carstairs, and Carluke. That said, it does have a parking spot by a common-use area where there is an outdoor gym... and three EV charging towers! In the evening, as the sun was setting, the rain clouds were scudding along, the local carboy was gunning his put-put and honking... and the Song Thrush was managing to rise above it all. 

May The Fourth be with it!!!


  1. Good to know that there are EV charging points.

  2. Hello,
    I would rather hear the birds than the loud cars. Th sky looks interesting, great video. Have a happy weekend.

  3. Love the beautiful sky and the chirping birds.

  4. Hi Yam - yes I can hear 'him or her' beautiful sounds - pity about the car/bike - sputtering as it was!! Have a peaceful weekend - cheers Hilary

  5. The thrush was audible, but barely, above the intrusive sounds of humankind.

  6. Did you get to meet the biker?? ha ha.. so beautiful, traffic noise is our white noise here.. sounds like really good place to spend time.

  7. YAM I googled bird you mentioned on MS's blog OMBs i agree with you but how in the world did it get to Florida?
    I enjoyed you video actually saw the clouds moving. The honking of the horn and gunning of the engine was loud.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Gosh, that sounds like our place! Happy trails and recharging! XX

  9. Early am is the best time to hear the birds chirping and singing. After that it's all about noise, cars, trash trucks, fire engines, and lawnmowers:). Loved listening.

  10. Too bad for the noisy cars, but the birds sound nice.


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