What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menombling; Maps!

By popular request... Last week Tigger's Mum requested maps of the places Aitch and I had gone geocaching. Due to being off-kilter with myself, I had not included screenprints of the areas covered. However, Aitch, bless 'er, was paying attention and forwarded the following three screenshots from her Geocaching records. 

Here, you will see all the yellow smiley faces of the finds at Moffat, Crooked Road (Beattock), and Leadhills, including from Elvanfoot to Wanlockhead. (Other symbols: dark blue with query marks are puzzle caches—we didn't do them; royal blue glum face is the DNF; green circles with boxes are caches yet to be found—so scope for another visit or two!) Remember, you can click to enlarge.

And here is the embedded map, clickable to go live on Maps, of the area so the keen can explore via Googmagic. (I have previously included such in posts of travel, but recent events meant my head wasn't all about the task.) Anyhoo, it's an area well worth visiting, yet it is so often passed by in the rush for this Highlands.


  1. hi... wow we remember the cacher time... maybe we can give it a try again too?

  2. I love the appearance of a smile face trip... I am laughing as I type because if you put a smiley face where I have been track, it would be many faces on my house. ha ha....

  3. There sure were lots of caches to be found in that area. Maybe someday you two could go back and find the ones you didn't have time for or couldn't find.

  4. My iPhone health app tracks my steps on EMWs I'm say you and Aitch made lots of steps...while having fun
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. Wow! You covered some ground while caching....and did a bunch of beautiful exploring!

  6. Seems like lots of reasons to do it all again, YAM. Creative use of the smiley face.


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