What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoturals; Outfoxing

For Nature Friday with the LLB Gang this week, I bring you the urban Vulpes - the Fox. Or, as it proved, several Foxlets in Mac1's garden. This year's brood of six didn't all show themselves. I did spot four but didn't manage to get them all in one shot. (It's possible all six were there, but I didn't discern the difference between them to ascertain for sure.) They may keep down the rat population, and there is no denying they are totally cutesome... however, they also leave very smelly droppings and tend to carry ticks. So, pros and cons. But let's just enjoy the 25% cute factor, eh?

First, there are some still photos, then a couple of video clips. 


  1. And of course, most importantly, if we didn't have foxes we wouldn't have the fox terrier!

  2. Urban foxes are a common phenomenon here. Their population is either increasing or they are less concerned about concealment for I see them more frequently than ever I did before.,

  3. so far I have never seen a fox. 2 coyotes but no fox. I think the cute factor might up up to 34 % ha ha.. they sure are cute playing like puppies or kittens. the worst thing about them to me, would if I lived there and had a dog.. that could be a problem for sure... they don't seem to care that your are nearby taking videos

  4. They are cute, it looks like are having fun running around playing. I agree they leave behind a stinky mess. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend!

  5. They are very cute and seem unafraid while they play.

  6. Ohhhhh what fun videos. You got wonderful videos. Poor Fox mama has 6.
    She surely picked a lovley spot to raise her skulk. Gigi google told me an assembly of foxes are Skulk
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. 6 is amazing - and they look all so healthy and active. Much better for them than our poor week orphaned thing that was fending for himself since he was so small he could fit through a hedgehog doorway. He only seems to come out at night and has yet to have any noticeable effect on the sub-urban rat population.

  8. Awesome photos of the foxes ~ we all have our 'negatives' ~ way it is ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. Adorable x infinity!! I could watch them play all day long

  10. Wonderful animals - but it such a mixed emotion to see them here (well Australia, as here is NZ for a week!) as they do so much damage.
    Stewart M - Auckland, NZ

  11. They are beautiful animals, but they are not like much in our area. they make their homes under decks and make a mess. I am happy to see them trot through the green area outside our fence and move along to other pastures:)

  12. Hello,
    Wonderful photos of the visiting fox family. They seem to have fun playing in the yard. I would enjoy watching them.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  13. They are so cute! We haven't seen any kits from our fox family for the first time in 33 years at this home. Usually they appear by now so maybe there wasn't a litter this year.

  14. Great captured, foxes looks cute :)

  15. What a beautiful sunroom! I'd love watching foxes from there.


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