What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menogurrul; Homecoming

After leaving Uncle Andrew on his hillside paddocks, I split the journey home with a stop in the now-familiar Lanark, sticking to my self-made rule of not driving excessive distances in a day. I didn't have to worry about being back in Dunoon for the start of the day on the 4th... voting booths were open until 10 pm. I had a leisurely breakfast at Lanark and sauntered away mid-morning. Google had it that the drive to the ferry would be just shy of 90 minutes... but I stopped for lunch on the way and did my usual 'enjoy the journey' thing. Although a few blustery squalls were moving through, it was a pleasant enough day. Plenty of sunshine between them. I drew up to the chargers at the Pier Carpark almost dot on 7 pm. 

There was the most intense double rainbow spanning the Firth of Clyde as I did, but by the time I got Grey hooked up to charge and grabbed my phone, it had gone. Sigh. It was a good reminder of why I adore this part of the Bonny Land. My desire to let the Hutch find its new owners is not because I want to leave the Cowal but simply because I want to be down at ground level.

As The Grey drank some power, I nipped across to the Queen's Hall to make my mark. As is well-known by now, the UK has a brand new government. However, the effectiveness of the change that was touted during the campaign will be something that will only be adequately assessed in a year's time. Labour does seem to have hit the ground running, though. In a world that appears to be growing increasingly chaotic, the UK's political scene suddenly shows signs of being calm and orderly.

After voting and waiting for Grey to finish his sup, it was growing late in the evening. We rolled down the road to Inellen and parked by the shore. I wasn't ready to crawl back up the stairs to face the Hutch. We spent all of Friday and a second night in that spot, watching the water, the seals, the Herons, Curlews, Gulls, Oystercatchers, Shags, and Turnstones... and shipping... the gloaming shine upon the water, and Toward Lighthouse. 

I returned to the Hutch on Saturday and managed to stay there for twelve whole days! The poor place looks like a bomb hit it. I shifted things around, trying to create a separation between the already decluttered and boxed-up items and the work that still needed to be done. I kind of managed that. More decluttering - or at least picking out - got done, and an attempt was made to get The Grey that bit closer to being moved into as a full-time prospect. Still have work to do on that!

Wednesday mid-month came around so quickly, and it was time to be off adventuring again!


  1. And how close is the Hutch to its new adventure?

  2. Was the 4th July really only a month ago!

  3. aah same here... we are often not fast enough... but it was there and only we saw it...

  4. Somehow I had missed that the Hutch is for sale - or will be - and that you intend to live in the van permanently. Or am I misinterpreting this? Do you not need a fixed address for banking and the like?

    1. Hari Om
      Yes, but as with my affairs in OZ, the address can be a family based, so my sister in Edinburgh would be the one. Will do a post on this as and when! Yxx

    2. Certainly common sense..and keeping life a lot easier..to have a postal address that can be used for physical mail and keeping authorities happy

  5. Hi Yam - well we shall see how they go ... but I'm glad of the change - though sadly nothing/nobody else re-evaluates life - let's hope for us all for an easier world. Good luck with all the faffing around ... I must do the same too - cheers Hilary

  6. living in a small space is a whole lot less work for sure. beautiful view in the first shot even though you missed the rainbow.. we have another 2 months of chaos before we vote

  7. Your views are just breathtaking!

  8. Beautiful photography and narration.
    Am loving your slow travel!

  9. Lovely photos YAM.
    I guess I didn't realize the Hutch was not on ground level. I can surely understand the need to change that.
    Here's to another nice trek in the Grey
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Good you have been making progress. I can't even manage household chores with out coughing. You inspire! XX

  11. You had some beautiful views on your way home. Good luck with getting the Hutch ready for it's next phase.

  12. I think I could sit and watch that sky all day long...ever changing. I don't even like to think about decluttering since our move! And the thing is, I have hardly missed a thing.

  13. It's wonderful to see you spending and sharing so much of your time on the road!

  14. We think that the joy and peace that your trips have brought is a sign that this is meant to be. All the best with the sale of the Hutch. It will happen when it happens, just let time do its thing. Meanwhile on to the next adventure:)


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