What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoizikul; Midweek Musicalisms

Were you thinking, "Surely Yamini must be running out of countries to share music from?" No, dear listeners, I am that inveterate traveller, remember - the dromaniac, borderline vagabond.

Long-term readers may recall that, at different times, I have written about my trip to Saint Lucia, a tiny speck of an island in the Caribbean Sea. It is idyllic. A few may remember this image... that was me having won the hotel's dancing competition, both Limbo and Calypso (with the coconut on my head!). The prize was that LP of the local band's Calypso hits, Halcyon Nights.

Now, the sounds of the Caribbean all arise from the African heritage brought over by the slaves of that dreadful trade from the 17th to the 19th centuries. On some islands - and notably Jamaica - Ska arose and then developed with a drop beat into Reggae. Yeah, man... A little change in the beat emphasis, and Afrobeats becomes Calypso. Yet another beat away and we get Soca.

Saint Lucia has a thriving Calypso and Soca scene. Prepare yourself for a month of sounds that might just have you rocking those chairs! We'll begin with an early Soca classic from Lucian singer, Robbie Gil.

Sometimes I know I'll face adversity
But it won't get, its won't get the best of me.
Cuz I know there will be mountains to climb
There will be rivers to cross I know
But I'm gonna make it through
(For full lyrics, click here.)


  1. Very dynamic and determined rhythms.

  2. sorry, this music is for me what flashing lights are to you.. I did make it through 1 minute..

    1. forgot to say I love seeing the young you and am totally impressed you could do the limbo.

  3. I think I can pass on the music but if you can arrange a date with that beautiful young woman I am all in!

  4. Mr B used to do chartering out St Lucia. One of his favorite islamds I suspect. It still features large in his nostalgia.

  5. Loved the track , Thanks for the post.

  6. It is a nice happy sound! I like the photo of your with the coconut on your head. Take care, have a great day!

  7. No way can you stay seated and listen. You gotta dance!

  8. Disappointed that Africa month has now come to an end, but I guess this is a fitting follow on.
    Cheers! Gail.

  9. 'Borderline vagabond!' You are so much fun. XX

  10. This music makes the youngster in me (from way back) want to get up and dance and join in on the singing. Thanks.


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