What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menondering; Moving Along

After four wonderful nights/days at the Portgordon park up, it was time to drag myself away. I had been considering heading further north to Alness and visiting the Aunty and Uncle again. However, Aunty remains in hospital, and anyway, I couldn't raise Uncle on the phone. By Monday morning, I had also had a message from Mac1 that she was ready for a visit from me, so The Grey and I turned our noses southward instead.

First, we go to Granton-on-Spey to get a charge and have lunch. Then, we go along the back track to Nethy Bridge and Castle Roy. First, I popped into the Old Abernethy Church, which is now an arts centre and outlet. Lots of lovely things on sale by local artists and crafts folk. I added to my collection of earrings.

Next, I moved Grey into the enclosed parking space beside the castle. This castle has only recently been opened to the public. On private farmland, it was bought by a community charitable effort, set up as Castle Roy Trust, in 1994. The idea was to have it prepared for tourist use. During repairs and stabilisation, archaeological works were undertaken.

The work is ongoing so donations are welcomed. Much has been done to improve access. I got into a conversation with Annabelle, the daughter of the chairman of the Trust and also the animal attendant. There is a resident 'guardian'...

Note the downward cast from the raised brow. Yes, Murdo is a bull Highlander. He was hand-reared, so he is generally well-adjusted to human company and touch. Here, he was having his back rubbed by two young lassies just off-stage left and clearly enjoying the attention.

Annabelle joined me in Grey for a cup of tea and a good old yarn. I learned that the grounds are used for weddings and other community gatherings as part of their fundraising efforts. Also, and this was the key thing for me, they welcome vans and motorhomes staying overnight—by donation. Even better, because she spotted that I use a walker, she gave me permission to park up the hill in the spot reserved for disabled people. What a view!

I had a wander around the ruins. There is not an awful lot to see, in reality, but there are some good info boards and artists' impressions of how the place would have looked, and there is a proper sense of history. Most of all, there is a fantastic panorama of the surrounding countryside.

Around the perimeter of the grounds were swathes of wildflowers. A stunning display. A small notice board revealed that this was yet another community-promoted activity!

To say that I enjoyed my visit to Castle Roy would be slightly understating it. This is now firmly on my revisit list!

From here, I dropped into Strathdon for a lunch and toilet break, then onward to Fife and a couple of nights at Tayport before heading back into Edinburgh to spend a week with Mac1. 


  1. Wonderful that you and Mac1 are rambling together, occasionally. Castle Roy is indeed a treasure, especially the panorama and the wildflowers.

  2. The panorama from Castle Roy is truly spectacular. Great photos, once again.

  3. wow that is wonderful! we love to touch old walls and old stones... the imagination that someone touched the same stones so much years ago is super special...

  4. My favorite photo is of course that oh so kissable face of the bull and tied in 1st place is the photo of Gray in the field of flowers.. Castle Roy is at the top of my list for wanting to see it with my own eyes. LOVE all those rocks/stones and the awesome cemetery

  5. Takes me back, YAM. Nine years ago we spent a week at the Grant Arms in Granton-on-Spey, and thoroughly enjoyed it. It’s the only place I have eaten haggis. We would fan out from there each day and birded the entire area. I also saw my only badgers in that general region.

  6. Hello,
    I enjoyed all your photos, the Castle Roy, the bull and the pretty wildflowers! Just beautiful! Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.

  7. Beautiful photos and Murdo is such a cutie!

  8. The building in the first photo is beautiful..and followed by so many others. Have a good visit with Mac1.
    Were Murdos horns were angled differently.
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Excellent views and I do especially like the wildflowers growing on the beautiful stone wall.

  10. Castle Roy is just wonderful, I enjoyed reading about it! I also think that shot of The Grey surrounded by flowers is just gorgeous and definitely frameable!

  11. What a beautiful castle!!! The views alone were well worth the stay. So nice of Annabelle to treat you so kindly.

  12. These are amazing images, YAM. I really enjoy your country.
    Silly question, you have an app for recharging stations, do you have one for toilets?!

    1. Hari Om
      Not required... have a non-chem onboard for use when not near public/supermarket/museum/cafe conveniences! Yxx

  13. We enjoy seeing so much of the historical places you visit. There isn't much history like that around here.


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