What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menooomph; Nae Much

Leaving Edinburgh, I headed westward again. I spent a week in my bolthole park up in New Lanark. It was absolutely bucketing down with rain for virtually the entire time, so there was no point in going anywhere else. Got lots of reading done, some photo processing and prep for the posts you have been reading, some catch-up viewing (when the signal behaved)... and, due to the sudden drop in temperature, my mind turned to crochet for the first time since the spring. I had a poncho started that needed to be finished. 

I have worn it a couple of times already as autumn settles in. That said, there have been some amazing, blazing, sunny days since then. 

Including the last weekend of August, when I finally returned to The Hutch. Well, to Dunoon... I parked on the promenade for a night or two before braving the stairs. I was surprised by how busy the place was and had completely missed the fact that the Cowal Gathering had been on (our version of Highland Games). I arrived back for the closing, and there was quite the waterside display in the evening...

There's a wee bit of video of this coming up on Saturday!  

I was only at the Hutch to make sure it was still standing, to do some laundry, load The Grey with kitchenalia and wardrobe items, and that sort of thing. I had to set off again by the 7th because it was back to Lanark, this time to connect with Aitch.

'Sall I have for you today... plenty more to come!


  1. You have such travels. I love them! XX

  2. That poncho look cozy and I love the colors.

  3. Or as Willie said, "On the road again; can't wait to get on the road again..."

  4. The poncho is very attractive and the perfect colors for fall.

  5. have a super time... we ove to travel with you

  6. Hello,
    Your poncho is pretty! We are finally getting some rains, 7 or more days of rain in a row. I will be ready to see the sun again. Safe travels, have a great day!

  7. I like this poncho, that would be good to drop over my head doing poop scooping behind beau or even for our walk when its cold and windy, like January and Feb. good you got home in time for the light display between the horns of the COO

  8. Have a great time ahead too moving moving...

  9. That is quite a different lifestyle you live, YAM.

  10. Your Poncho is beautiful colors and pattern. I am a fan of variegated yarn. I'm working on a crochet scarf currently out of lovely shades of variegated yarn. I love how they make my simple pattern of single and double crochets look very complicated. LOL
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. We love your newest poncho. And your color choices couldn't have been more appropriate for the season. Happy and safe traveling.

  12. What a bright cheery color pallet for your poncho! Can't wait to hear where your travels took you next!

  13. Poncho colours are suitably autumnal. Shame you missed the main body of the games but fireworks are always have a sort of childlike excitement about them (and I momentarily suspend concerns for wildlife and pets).


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