What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menolloping; Less Agility, More Indignity

I may overstate it... then again...

Having departed Lanark and taken a couple of days to saunter westward, I reached the town of Ayr. That third weekend of September was dedicated to being with blogpals, and the focus was Nobby performing at the final agility show of the season. But I'll get to that.

Gail had alerted me to the event quite a few weeks earlier, and the timing was perfect. Then, a little later, during the week I was in Lanark, I heard from Tigger's Mum, F, that she and Mr B would be in Scotland by the weekend. The flow of things enabled them to join in at the event, so one of my longest and dearest pals met through blogging would meet some of the newest (and as dear!). I was confident they would hit it off, having many common interests. As there was time to spend before Nobby's afternoon slots, we first took a turn around the grounds of the Rozelle Estate, spotting lots of intriguing brush sculptures, some more recognisable than others.

Then, it was lunch and toilet breaks. Nobby had two events, back-to-back on both days. On the Saturday when we were all together, the weather was not the best: fierce and biting wind and lots of sharp showers. The voices of many of the handlers got lost in the air, and a lot of the dogs had trouble completing their rounds successfully. 

Nobby was not for having anything to do with it! Once he did get started on one round, he managed about a third of the course before defaulting...

On Saturday evening, Gail and F joined me in The Grey to eat our evening meals... each got what they fancied. Unfortunately, that meant that Mr B went for garlic pizza (not sure there was anything else on it). When he opened their van door the odour had me reeling (I'm allergic to garlic, and it makes me quite nauseous even by its smell), which meant he was eating solo! I felt bad about that, but even F agreed it was well-pungent. Her pizza caused no disturbance, and Gail's fish supper looked scrummy - I had made myself a pasta dish.

Then came the time for goodbyes. I was sad, for I will not see F again for quite some time. Those who read her blog will know she is repatriating to New Zealand. It was with some degree of dismay that I realised I had been so focused on drinking every moment with her and Mr B that I entirely forgot to get any photos of them! Naughty Yamini.

On Sunday, Gail and Nobby once again reported for participation at the agility. The day was brighter and drier, though the winds still cut slices. Things looked promising for a while...

It was still mid-afternoon by the time he'd done, so Gail and I took him over to The Burns Museum, which has some lovely grounds... but more on that tomorrow!

Let me leave you with two rather fine "pawtraits"... the first taken looking into the van, and the second taken looking out...


  1. that is real art... and you had a super nobby time... that is like art too ...whft art ;o)

  2. I think that Nobby was very smart. But perhaps he had fun doing as much as he did. This whole business of living in a van both puzzles and horrifies me, YAM. One of the great pleasures of my life is to have friends over for dinner. Just this past weekend we had two couples visit, all of us great friends of long standing, and we sat around the table for hours, talking and eating, and quaffing a little wine. Then we went down to the family room and turned on the fire and had coffee. None of this would be possible in your van. In a moment or two I will go to take a shower and stand under that glorious hot water cascading down. Wiping my armpits with a face cloth just doesn’t seem quite the same. Even Thoreau had his cabin in the woods!

  3. I love the sculptures! Nobby is a sweetie, at least he was trying. Take care, have a great day!

  4. Gail is looking great running and keeping up with Nobby after her illness and Nobby, your life was interrupted too so we say, well done, Nobby! We love looking into your very cozy van.

    1. Hari Om
      I should remind folk this was the month before Gail's hospital visit... No running taking place now. Yxx

  5. Oh what a wonderful 3 days you have. Quality time with very fine dear friends.
    I only eat small amounts of garlic in cooked food maybe a clove which has is very smelly.
    Nobby runs to his own beat. I kinda agree with him running up a see saw could be challenging.
    I enjoyed the 'grapevine' art too
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. Nobby here (still at my holiday home): I am a bit disappointed that you did not get any close ups of my excellent performances through the weave poles!

  7. The Grey is looking so cozy. What distinguished guests you've been entertaining! I admire your ability to think "outside of the box." Dear Nobby was also charting his own course at the agility event.

  8. Nobby seems to be an "independent thinker" LOL. Sounds like a nice time was had by all.

  9. awesome photos and so happy for all of you to meet and greet and eat and I am JEALOUS. I would have loved to do that with all of you

  10. You definitely got a better day on the Sunday. We love Nobby's capacity for independent expression of personality. We caught up with him and Gail a couple of weeks later, and Nobby and Mr B ganged up to play a practical joke on Gail and F. We had quite a gasp moment when we couldn't work out where they had disappeared to having dropped behind on a clifftop walk. They looked so pleased with themselves when they popped up ahead having availed themselves of a shortcut.

  11. Awww, those are two fantastic photos of you and Nobby. He is an entertainer for sure. We haven't heard much about how Gail is doing, but we sure hope all is improving.


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