What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoturals; Saturday Sounds

Standing at the shore of the North Sea in St Cyrus - celebrating St Andrew's Day.


  1. After 16 years if living on a sailboat, I miss the sound of the water and the gentle rocking of the waves. Thank you for reminding me of a very happy time.

  2. Such splendid blues and I love the happy dogs racing in the background.

  3. Hello, YAM
    I do love the sounds of the sea, the waves crashing on the shore. The dogs are having a grand time running on the beach.
    A happy place indeed. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend.

  4. The thirst of the infinite waters!

    By the way, Yam, thanks for pointing out certain factual errors in my recent post on Kim Phuc. I have edited the post.

  5. that is the same sound we hear from our beaches, the Gulf is calm, like this, not like the roar of the Atlantic Ocean, we love both but this sound is so calming. and beautiful

  6. Such a beautiful and soothing sound.

  7. Hi Yam - love the sound of the sea ... always been a part of my life, except when I lived in Johannesburg ... a bit far - still we got to the coast fairly often. Now - it's round the corner ... thanks for the memories! cheers and happy weekend - Hilary

  8. The rhythm of the waves lapping against the shore is one of the most evocative sounds in all of Nature. Surely one could never tire of such a symphony. There is a whole variation in the movements, but the notes are never wrong, and the coda is a study in perfection. Accompanied by a counterpoint of serenading gulls it has no equal.

  9. REally beautiful! I'm not much of a sailor but I love the sound of the sea!

  10. Music to my ears....my white noise machine has ocean sound....
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. We enjoy hearing the sounds of the gentle waves against the shore.

  12. Great to listen sound of the sea , Amazing


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