What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoturals; Floraleye 2

It's Nature Friday... and I am short on photographic supply. What I will do for January and February is keep it very simple. A single photo each week to keep Rosy (and Sunny) smiling and bring a little bit of summer into these deep winter days.


  1. What a lovely flower. What is it, please?

  2. Well, I should have figured that out since I see plenty of them. Thanks!

  3. ooh that is sweet!!! a greeting from spring and summer...

  4. Lovely macro shot, complete with little bug.

  5. yay for strawberries, we have gorgeous weeds growing now every where and the flowers look a little like these,

  6. The flower is beautiful and yes, it does bring a big smile☺

  7. Lovely photo, the Strawberry flowers are pretty! Take care, Happy Friday! Wishing you a great weekend.

  8. Lovely photo YAM gives me a mental image of Spring that will surely be welcomed by all
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Thanks for bringing us a little spring on a cold winter day.

  10. With all the cold and snow we have had, it is nice to see a breath of spring.

  11. Just back from Costa Rica, YAM (last evening). When the driveway is shovelled, the mail collected and the laundry done, emails answered and errands run, I should be back to normal!

  12. A beautiful reminder that spring is not far away now. I think I will start to participate in Nature Fridays.

  13. Is this the flower that becomes strawberry fruit?

    1. Hari Om
      It is...if you look closely at the one with wilted petals behind the front one, you can just make out the fruit bud... Yxx

  14. I read your comment about my feeling ill and just wanted to mention that no doctor or nurse practitioner diagnosed me with anything. I figured out what was wrong based on how quickly I recovered after being hooked up to an IV and got hydrated that way. It was magical. Later, as I said in my blog, I Googled it, and Google agreed. So I'm good with that. Thanks for caring and taking an interest in my travails.


Inquiry and debate are encouraged.
Be grown-ups, please, and play nice.