What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menonday Art Vibe; Poochy Paintings 3

Following on from the pooch as a pet concept, here is its absolute essence: the dog as both playmate and guardian of the young. This painting was by the same artist as last week's (he was one of Scotland's most prolific portraitists). 

Interestingly, there is a painting of the brother of this lad, also by Raeburn, with his pooch, which has a touch of fun about it due to his teasing the dog with a morsel from his picnic box. You can view that here if you wish. I did not see that painting during my visit, so I assume it is in the vaults and will appear again at some point in the exhibition rotation. Meanwhile, tell me what you think of this one.


  1. The boy and his dog are looking at two different things? The other painting is more cute.

  2. that is great... every kid should grow up with a pup...

  3. I like the child's face very much.

  4. A very appealing painting. I think the dog is stretching his (her?) neck in ecstasy from the sheer pleasure of a gentle scratch.

  5. after I stopped studying the shoes, I spent a lot of time trying to think just what they could be looking at. I did view the paintings on the link, and he was really gifted with children and dogs.. it's striking to me, and that might be the fact I love the dog.. my kind of dog.

  6. Beautiful painting, love the dog!
    Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

  7. Calmness of the child and the watchful presence of the dog!

  8. There's something very special about boys and dogs. I think it's because boys reveal more of themselves with dogs, while girls are always openly affectionate around animals.

  9. I adore how the boy is looking up at his puppy with such love
    Hugs cecilia

  10. Wonderfully done...the lighting is just beautiful!!

  11. The painting is lovely. The dog has that same look my two get when they are getting some nice petting:)


Inquiry and debate are encouraged.
Be grown-ups, please, and play nice.