What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menonday Art Vibe; Poochy Portraits 4

This is the last of the mini-series within the art series... and this one has charm for all sorts of reasons!

Here, we see the Terrier breed formed in the Scottish Borders and named the Dandie Dinmont - now a rare/endangered native breed. I had a great aunt who owned a Dandie; he was the biggest charmer and mischief maker going! Honestly, once met, never forgotten. In this picture, we see the evidence of what sort of mischief a DD will get into - although, to be fair to it, that is what Terriers tend to be bred for. Keeping down the vermin. Working dogs though they are, they also make marvellous companions - and, as in the case of Wills, my great aunt's dog, rather over-sized but keen lapdogs. My late mother (whose aunt it was and whose 89th birthday would have been today) always said that she would have chosen the Dandie Dinmont over the Border Collie if we had had a dog as a family: a not insignificant statement, given her family's long connection with the latter.

This painting is not large but grabs attention with the dog's evident delight at having earned dinner. Furthermore, it holds a special place in the gallery's collection because it was hung per a bequest request. You can read about that in detail, along with more history about the breed and a link to a web page about these dogs, on this link

(Aside:   In case you miss it and are keen to see a Dandie moving, you can check out this video - "Gavin" appears in the first ten minutes of the film - and there are lots of other wee lovelies to watch, too... yes, this is for the doggy doters like me!) 

Enough waffle, here's Callum - ain't he cute?


  1. I saw a TV program about dogs in which Martin Clunes introduced us to the Dandie D - they looked whiter but that could just be lighting. There were very few left then.

    1. Hari Om
      There are two colour-lines. The links provided will reveal more... Yxx

  2. wow he looks totally different today... and sadly we see this wonderful breed only rarely...

  3. I was totally unfamiliar with the breed - not a surprise really since I have never shared my home with a dog, but it apparently is a splendid choice. How wonderful that so much of an endowment was left to buy art so that future generations could share in the pleasure.

  4. he is adorable and you know he would be in my lap if I had access to him or any other dandy.. first time hearing of this breed.. I have had 30 plus mutts in my long life, 40 years of outside only and 40 of inside only dogs... I can't imagine a life without a dog, all were mixed breeds mutts

  5. What a beautiful painting! Doesn't the DD have more of a bouffant hairdo in the dog shows? They are cute pups!

    1. Hari Om
      The difference between a working pup and one who is pampered in the salon! Yxx

  6. It is a cute dog, I have never heard of this breed. Have a great day and happy week ahead.

  7. OMDs Aunty I have heard to the Dandie Dinmont. I think I once saw one in the Westminster Dog Show. what a charmer your Auntie had. Guess what we have a new puppy, named Izzy, coming to our cul de sac. She is 4 weeks old...she will arrive last April. She will join her big sister Maggie. They are both Australian Terriers. Maggie is A D O R A B L E.
    I can hardly wait to meet itty bitty Izzy on her porch. She won't be allowed out on the cul de sac til she has all her puppy vaccines. Maggie's owner says some times she calls Maggie, an Iron Puppy because of her stubborn streak.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. I LOVE terriers. I have always wanted one! My newest baby (Nutmeg) is called a Cowboy Corgie! Numerous of her siblings live in the area and they are either calm, sweet and listen or they are rambunctious, loud and can't hear a thing you say to them. Guess what the Nutcase er Nutmeg is. My son loves that she is always ready to rock and roll, I (and Mr Kozmo) would prefer a smaller, calmer dog...but then I wanted a daughter and got 3 sons (whom I would not trade for a girl any day). Oh yes...you ask "what is a Cowboy Corgi?" She is Corgi, Heeler and (Rat?) Terrier. (and part hell hound) Barb

  9. Such a lovely breed. I like the "natural" look of them in the painting...but did enjoy watching him move in the video!

  10. He is a cute little dickens, isn't he? We once had a mixed female, Muffin, mostly Cairn terrier and who knows what else. She looked a bit like this Dandie. She was a very sweet girl but mischievous too:)

  11. What a beautiful painting. We love how proud he looks of his capture.

  12. Hi Yam - they must be so difficult to paint ... this is wonderful to see - cheers Hilary


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