What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoturals; Landscaping

For Nature Friday this week, I am sharing some landscape photography taken on Gopika, my Pixel 7 smartphone. I wanted to experiment a bit with exposure and light balance, reminding myself that these things are getting as clever and useful as any DSLR or smaller advanced camera.

First, that view from up the hillside, looking across the Clyde toward the Trossachs. Initially, it was taken as per the preset exposures onboard, then followed up with my altering the white balance and tone. The first is pretty but very hard and blue-toned. The second is much closer (almost exactly) to what was seen with the naked eye.

Next, I decided to try a panorama shot. I am not always fond of these more gimmicky tools, but on this occasion, I am quite pleased (do biggify to get the full benefit!).

Each one has its own attractions and bits one would wish better of. Certainly, the sharpness of the images leaves a little to be desired. As soon as one zooms much beyond 50%, things go a bit furry.

Anyhoo... next, a couple of gloaming shots taken from the park up at East India Quay in Greenock. 

The annoying thing was that this was the night before the blood moon. Then, the night following the eclipse was also crystal clear. On the night itself, though, it was blanket cloud... and snowing!!! 
😬 Hey ho...

Anyway, after every sunset must come the sunrise... 


  1. Stunning views, Skies looks amazing

  2. thats wonderful... I love this time... it is as if all things are re-born somehow...

  3. sunrise is my favorite time of day, love the diamonds in the water look and like to do that with camera or cell, try each mode. you were in a perfect place to try it all... and now you are able to changer your view every day if so desired.. great shots

  4. As you point out, YAM, the quality of phone cameras improves with every new version. I am sure that in the hands of someone who knows how to use it the possibilities are endless.

  5. The landscapes are so pretty!

  6. As usual, excellent photographic sense.

  7. Well done, Yam! This is how I can imagine Hamish's travels.

  8. YAM Aunty #2 and 3 of the first snap are delightful. I biggfied #3. As always you are an expert at water snaps
    Happy Nature Friday
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Gorgeous views and a pretty moon capture. Lovely photos. Take care, have a great day!

  10. I'm especially taken with the last picture.

  11. Beautiful shots! We love the rainbow effect the sunrise has on the water in that last shot.

  12. Wow! It is amazing how far smart phone cameras have come, isn't it? I find that in low light condition, my phone takes a more light balanced frame than my Nikon

  13. My fav is the shot with small boats in it. You make better use of all those features than I have ever tried to. You are right about the blue shift on a lot of digital photography but didn't each brand of old film have it reputation for bias to some part if the colour spectrum?

    1. Hari OM
      This is quite true! I used to despair of having to buy Agfa film when I couldn't get Kodak... but then again, it made me work on the SLR settings and seek the results I wanted. There is a wee bit of me that still very much misses my old Minolta and all the different lenses and the truly interactive artistic part of photography (including developing - yes, I did that!) However, given my more limited physical abilities these days, the ease of a one-thing-for- all-needs does have its attractions... Yxx


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