Further review of the pre-blog news…
Usually there
are always reminders popping up - “ARE YOU SURE?” - but not this time. Had the
SD card in the slot and was transferring selected files only. Got the Krisnha
Janmashtami ones okay but heaven alone knows what I hit wrongly when attempting
to move the others. A bit sick about that because it was really quite
wonderful. Oh well.
Janmashtami was fun and there was a real holiday atmosphere
– this is the festival that is closest in its style and celebration to
Christmas. To commemorate Bala Krishna's 'stealing of the butter' from all the
houses, there is a game called Mathaka, where groups are blindfolded and have
to hit a clay pot to break it and release the goodies in side. The final pot of
course has 'butter' in it… really more of a curd. There is lots of colour and
flower confetti – and lollies falling from the sky. For the final mathaka,
Krishna-ji himself must appear and perform his lila with the gopis; our little
Nilesh did a smashing portrayal. (See the girls faces?!)
From ANL 15 - 19th August 2012 - between the 13th and
14th ANLs the great little netbook I had purchased specially for this journey
gave up the ghost. Whether climate or
some nasty virus was unclear and the end result was the same… new purchase
required. Upgraded to full lap-top -
Voovoo the Vaio - and that is when I also caved in and subscribed to internet
dongle. Here's the fun bit from the
however, I managed to wipe out a heap of vid and pix that I took on
Independence day; ropable with myself because I can't quite believe I managed
to do it. [Note to reader - this was when still in denial about

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