What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menosukhi Monday - the one in which I go all sentimental

...don't know if one can truly be sentimental about Pelicans, in truth, but certainly they are entertaining creatures!!  They did not disappoint me on the recent visit to Hawkesbury River either.

Parsley Bay is where the fisherman all bring in their boats and clean the catch so many pelicans hang around here.  

copyright Yamini Ali MacLean

Relaxing, roosting, grooming and gazing...

copyright Yamini Ali MacLean

Patience pays.  A hunk of frozen, unused bait fish is thrown and fought over.

copyright Yamini Ali MacLean

Winner scarpers with the loot!  The others are in hot pursuit however.  Not that sharing is part of pelicans' personality...

copyright Yamini Ali MacLean

copyright Yamini Ali MacLean

Check out the lump in the craw...

copyright Yamini Ali MacLean

Then there was some kind of 'corps de ballet' ritual of cleaning...

copyright Yamini Ali MacLean

...but not only pelicans 'score'!!!

copyright Yamini Ali MacLean


  1. Certainly you can get sentimental about pelicans. My husband loves the brown ones we've seen in the southern US, and is inordinately proud of the big white ones we have here in Alberta, so I'm sure he would love your white-and-black ones.
    As for me, I like seagulls. Always have.
    Luv, K

  2. Aren't they beautiful? I love your story!

  3. They are pretty birds. Mom says the only ones she has ever seen are brown. She likes the balck and white ones. It looks like that sea gull has lipstick on!

  4. Hari OM
    Kay - yes the Oz Spectacled Pelican has grace and beauty akin to a swan I think. I do have a soft spot for gull though - and the silver gulls here are very pretty!

    Jenn - yes they are and thanks!

    Taffy - indeed it does!


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