What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Me-Now-Views; Less Speak More Peek

It seems almost improper, given yesterday's post, to now enter the entirely frivolous. It is for such freedom and choice, however, that such took place. Well; perhaps rather more important freedoms than drinking vessels. However, life, as is so often said, goes on.

In that light, then, here is The New Mug.  Dunoon Mugs are a particularly fine species of china.  I was a tad dismayed to discover they are not actually made here, but down in Staffordshire in a place called......(wait for it..) Stone. They were originally kilned here though and the name stuck. Having moved to the town, it was incumbent upon me, surely, to own at least one.  I started with ....

The Heilan' Coo...which I notice has been 'anglicised'. 

Ach weel, there's nae onything wrang wie a bonny-turned heel...

(...go on, click that link and put a smile on your dial...but don't forget to come back!)

Now, if you are a right-hand drinker, you are faced with the decorous darling you see above.  Once sipping, this little surprise awaits...

Conversely, if like myself you are prone to the leftie lift then the following are the rather less tidy, perhaps more chilled-out, visions of slurpiness...

...and to give honour where honour is due...

After that load of inconsequentiality, time to do the rounds and see what all of you have on offer this week!


  1. We are shocked, just shocked that Dunoon mugs come from Staffordshire!
    Gail says she had a great aunt who lived in Stone, but I told her I didn't suppose you'd be interested in that.
    Toodle pip!

  2. WE love that MUG... it makes a cuppa... even BETTER. RIGHT? or in your case...LEFT.

    We live in an area of OHIO that was once FAMOUS fur ceramic products...butt NEVER Bone China... Ours was more utilitarian in nature.
    Thank you fur sharing this with us. LOVE to know thingys from OTHER Pawts of the world... from our FURENDS... who always tell it like it is.

  3. What happy faces, I could happily eat and drink off them.

  4. What a delight is that mug! Fine bone china too, so much nicer.
    Nothing today is what it seems though is it; what was made here is now made there. xx

  5. I followed the link and now I am in love with the delightful Heilan' Coo! What beautiful creatures they are. The mug is so cute.

  6. Adorable cow, although it reminds me the cow that chased us through the hill in the park.

  7. That cup makes me smile! Funny!
    Thanks for sharing this week at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2014/08/variations-with-linky.html, and good luck with the launch of your new ("serious") blog!

  8. How cute are they especially the mug heheh!

    Have a cowtastic week & thanks for mooing by ;-)

  9. That's a really cool Mug it certainly brightens one's day looking at it.

  10. This mug is just so nice! Too fragile looking for my family tho but nice nonetheless =) #ww

  11. That's such a cute illustration! I love it.

  12. These are such a hoot!
    We have Balderson cheese here, you buy it in Balderson, made in Winchester!

  13. Super sweet mug - I love it! :)

  14. Oh, what fun! I love seeing the Highland cattle when we head north.


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