What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menorise [men-oh-rIse]; the process of inculcation

"Dost thou know what life is, child? Hast though comprehended the action of those springs which produce existence? Hast thou examined thyself?"
(Jules Verne)

` © Yamini Ali MacLean

Menoffagainorrhoea - just a wee outing

Last Saturday, Mac1 came and had lunch with the father and myself; she had been out on her Park Run. Something she has taken up a mere four months ago and is surprising herself. After Lunch, it being a braw autumn day, she offered to take us to see the park.

Figgate Park is a place I was ignorant of even from when I was a full-time Edinburgh resident third of a century ago. It is a grand wee place!!! Father and I truly enjoyed our outing, all the more now for being able to picture Mac1 as she runs each Saturday morning. (Watch out for more on her activity as I shall be coming over to support her in November on a larger, more important run for charity.) The whole ParkRun organisation is admirable and socially meaningful.

Now, you know that the Fudge had to come with. It took nearly 60 images! Quite a few of them are even usable. Some here, more on Monday and Tuesday.

Menosukhi... what again???

Yes oh yes, but this is fur a furry good reason... there has been another update on Isaac... feeling proud of the lad!!!

Pupdate 5 – Advanced Training

We went to visit this shining star at our Reading Mobility Team and were very impressed with his progress since we last caught up with him. Isaac has now moved on to advanced training with Guide Dog Mobility Trainer Adrian, and they are an unstoppable pair!

“Isaac is just seamless, he is such a nice boy,” smiled Adrian. It was great to see Adrian and Isaac out and about in training. Adrian was making ‘mistakes’ when walking to get Isaac used to walking with a person who is blind. It didn’t faze Isaac though, he just carried on as normal and was using all of the skills he has now learnt. Gold star to Isaac!

When Adrian met Isaac the main thing he needed to work on with him was his confidence. “He just needed a bit more courage, I use clicker training but instead of the click I use the word ‘Yes’,” Adrian told us. Clicker training is a positive enforcement technique where every time a pup does something right, they hear the click alongside a treat if the trainer is feeling generous.

Isaac’s boarder, Cressi, told us that Isaac is a gentle lad. “He loves people and he is great in any situation.” The exciting news is that Isaac has recently been matched and will begin his partnership training very soon. 

We were told that his owner lives in Oxford and often visits the city centre, supermarkets and the park which soon Isaac will be guiding him to! He also has two teenage kids which is great for Isaac as he loves children. Soon they will begin to work together to learn their key routes and to build their working relationship and of course their bond.

We are so proud of Isaac and how far he has come and cannot wait to update you on his partnership in his next Pupdate in February!

Menosukhi Monday

Long-term readers will know that menosukhi is about fond memory, melting heart, a little nostalgia or a soppy happening. It verges just the right side of maudlin, for the YAMster is not an overly emotional being.

Sorting through some piccies last week (trying to come up with something to help the father with the calendar he likes to produce each year), I happened upon a file which had kinda been ignored for a while. Just a few pretty shots in there... but also this.

It struck me with some force that it was already three years and one week since I had left Sandeepany ashram. Crikey. Where did those 1100 days go???

It is rare for me, but there was one of those moments which definitely crossed the line into maudlin and it took a bit of self-management to bring it back to merely menosukhi. It had been such a blessed and focused time, those two plus years in Mumbai. To a large extent, the sattvika life has been maintained. One of the reasons for choosing Scotland's West coast is that it is out of the way and one can simply 'be', without too much of the world invading one's psyche. That said, it is also very difficult to keep it at bay.

When staying with the father, it is hard even to maintain daily prayers and dietary restrictions. Vegetarianism is never lost, but there are certainly more of the processed and 'nonsense' foods here. As mentioned last week, the festival of Navratri has been on the go - today is final night and tomorrow is day of feasting.

The menosukhi deepened the more for not being able to stick to fast and proper foods for the week. This is not to blame the family situation; it is to say that one must work around and with the situation. The simplicity of ashram living has been lost.

Then there is the wondering what is there to show for those three years? Well, perhaps am being a bit hard on myself. The teaching bloggy did get up and running and continues well. That is another box ticked. Further travels; box also ticked. However, these are secondary to the spiritual path and for the personal saadhana, this little review has to face up to the fact that not as much progress has been made as might have been. A little too much Star Trek and not enough astral travel!!! Soon it will be Deepavalli and this will be the time to reset one's spiritual goals. Need to get my list started...

This was the little moment of menosukhi. It is being mended. Thanks for listening.

YAM xx

MenoSunday; Life Lived Lovingly

A vid-clip for you today. Possible to watch the first 7+ minutes and catch the gist; the remaining 5 minutes are an indulgence. Still worth the listen. To be honest, the words displayed might be termed a tad pretentious, but there is much beauty here and the intention is pure.


Love Wins 640 MB from Sumbola Inc. on Vimeo.