What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menobirding; It's Important

Today is a bit of a menoloopal - a plea fledged from frustration. Might not have taken it up had I not come across a young blogger who is an out-and-out advocate for the safety of our endangered birds here in the UK.

Those of you who watch my efforts over at TAKE bloggy will know that I am actually rather a keen birder and have the Wings On Wednesday weekly post. Something I don't have in the collection are any of the UK's raptors. I do hope to one day rectify that. ...Well, I did actually attempt some shots of Marsh Harriers when I was down in Norfolk a few years back... but they were so distant as to be almost - almost I said - indistinguishable.

It was exciting to spot them at all, as they too are low in numbers.

Anyway, the point of this post is to bring to light and spread the word that many raptors over here are at risk due to commercial interests... the not so inconsequential matter of the annual grouse shoot, which traditionally begins this month. The Glorious Twelfth, as it is known. Open season.

The raptors are perceived as a danger to the grouse numbers, potentially taking chicks. Not just these amazing birds are at risk; there is a cull of rabbits and hares at this time too - apparently they pose a health hazard potential. Only at this time of year though, it seems...

Findlay Wilde is shouting it out. Better than that, he's Thunderclapping!!! There is also a campaign over at the RSPB site.

As I am not a subscriber to any of the social media access via Thunderclap, I promised Findlay I would post this and it will, of course, now be seen up on G+. I know a lot of you, dear readers, are keen on wildlife and nature of all kinds and like to support where you can. Will you too help to spread the word?

Thank you.


  1. Sadly we do not have many birds around where we live BUT we do have a bird refuge not too far away, maybe 20 miles. You may recall our dad's plight to see a Cardinal and how he seemed to be emitting a Cardinal rejection signal of some sorts. Good for your pal working to get the word out!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  2. We know if M and S's dad can see the cardinal (we were with him when it happened) you will see a raptor. We have a lot of birds in our bush and Lady wishes she knew more of their names.

  3. Bcat and I just finished watching a 2 hour PBS show on Wild Ireland.
    VEry very interesting. The golden eagle had been extinct for nearly 100 years in Ireland. Now it is making a grand comeback but as always it needs the help of humans
    Hugs HiC

  4. Thank you so much for writing this post. The more people that here about what is happening, the more chance we have to stop it. Finn

  5. I think it is so important for any media to bring attention to our wild birds. In this country we have lost 60% of the number of birds in the air in the last century.

  6. At one time there seem to be plenty of grouse here, but over the year they seem to dwindle and now there seem to be a come back.
    One of my favor meat to eat...Coffee is on

  7. I agree with you... our modern world is a danger for raptors ... and we wonder that so much peeps here will not understand the normal circle of life were all things fit together and were every animal is important ...

  8. Oh yes, dodgy practices by the grouse shooting fraternity have been an occasional news item in Scotland ever since first moved here twenty years ago, and doubtless much longer than that.
    For eagle spotting (golden and the very occasional sea eagle) Torridon is an excellent place.
    Cheers, Gail.

    1. Hari Om
      Oh I know that there was contention between conservation and the shooting fraternity even before I departed to nether regions. My uncle was a ghillie on a Borders estate and was responsible for ensuring maximum grouse at any cost... and we had many a 'robust' discussion about this! At that time, all that was of any hazard from his perspective was the buzzards, which even then were quite numerous... and I forgot to mention those in the post above. Buzzards are, of course, raptors, but are kind of the 'pigeon' version, in their adaptability and opportunism! Whilst they are more readily spotted, they are not that prolific and are still difficult to photograph. I have recently displayed a couple of photos I managed to get of a buzzard over at 'WoW' recently, so realise I have not been entirely honest - albeit due to short-term memory blankage!!! ... and maybe it's time to think about a visit to Torridon!!! Yxx

  9. Hello, I love all the birds and I am sorry to hear of any bird coming close to being extinct or endangered. Findlay is a great young birder, it is wonderful he has such strong feelings for these birds. I am always looking for new birding places here, we have many a car ride away I have not been to. Happy Birding to you. Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week!

  10. I love seeing our raptors. They are different across the pond!


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