What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Me-Now-Views; Less Speak More Peek

Came across another little sub-folder on Voovoo's files. I have no idea (again) whether these were posted previously. I could spend time searching back but I thought 'what the heck, just put them in and if folk are bored they can click on by.' So here is my series on doors. The file is now deleted.


  1. I am fascinated doors ~ why people have made them look the way they are and function and what is hidden behind them. Old doors make wonder structures in gardens. Lee is thinking about painting our front door a color.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  2. When I first started blogging I found a blog called Door Hunter. She lived in Prague I think but had originally lived in North Carolina. She had a cat blog too but her Doors were amazing. She took photos of some of the most beautiful doors. JUST LIKE YOURS
    Hugs HiC

  3. If I've seen them before, I sure could see them again. Keepers, all.

  4. Those are great doors. If they were posted, worth reposting!

  5. They are each so different and so beautiful. I would love to have that door knocker greet my guests on my front door.


  6. I love those doors! I love the very first one most of all. Believe it or not, when Shyla first arrived with us, she was terrified of doors. Doors?!? Our best guess was that she hadn't been out and about in the world - so a door meant that she was going to have to face something new... but that's only a guess. Now, she'd happily go through those doors!

  7. Squeeee!!!! I love doors and archways, these are gorgeous!!!

  8. I agree with Mama and da DB Boyz! I am absolutely fascinated with doors and these are great ones!

  9. it's so great to watch this photos... thanks for having an eye for the special things of life and for the details we often miss when we pass by ;O)))

  10. I love doors also, and have never seen these, so good choice on posting them. i find that most people don't remember what they saw a few years ago. i even read a book again if it has been more than a year since i read it.

  11. This is fun and if YOU cannot remember if you posted it, your feeble dear reader won't, either! My brain is fudge these days! I've been wondering the same thing, if I've reposted some. But then we must celebrate our world. There is so much to be hopeful about.

  12. What interesting doors! Great pics!
    Hazel & Mabel

  13. Doors are fascinating. Maybe the fact that they are where we enter into someone's home or business adds to the interest. namaste, janice xx


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