What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoooofering; who knew?

When I was playing around with the Nature Sound Map, the one sound near Edinburgh had in it 'barking Roe deer'. Needless to say, I was inclined to think it was the sound recordist who might be "barking" (as in mad).  However, I was curious enough to find out more.

Blow me down with a wet feather...

It's the bucks' alarm call, apparently. In this case, as you probably heard, the house cat was causing consternation!

The things to be learned...


  1. That buck must have a hint of kitty in his genes - he sure was curious. The sound of his bark surprised us - not what we would have expected at all.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  2. What a remarkable sound. Although Bertie, currently cuddled up on my lap acting as MacBook support, is quite unmoved.

  3. That roe deer certainly ordered his world to his satisfaction. For the record, my cat did not flicker an ear at the meow or the bark.

  4. had no idea they even had an alarm call and it does sound like a bark. i love learning new things

  5. TOGM nearly fell out of her chair. OMCS and I thought that deer was about to produce a hairball...then the cat started trying possibly to respond.
    OH this was funny.
    Hugs madi and Mom
    PS Aunty,
    thank you for your kind POTP I'm feeling so much better today

  6. Maybe he had a cold .

  7. Quite the sound ~ sweet video of the deer!

    Happy week to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka, (A Creative Harbor)

  8. Did not know that but should have thought that as once I heard a mother deer give a call to her fawn.

  9. Who knew a deer could make that sound!
    Hazel & Mabel

  10. hahaha... Phenny jumped off like a rocket.... I played it again and he couldn't believe that bucks are barking ;O)))

  11. That is hilarious!
    How are you managing after your storm??!! I saw it forecast and worried about you!

  12. P.S. Our deer sort of snort!

  13. that site is really fun and informative.


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