What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoloopal - spouting forth

A couple of years back I posted THIS. The key point was the use of a cookie blocker extension on the search engine.

I opt to use "I Don't Care About Cookies." The link given in that old post was to the 'webstore' of Chrome. The link just provided here is direct to the website of the developer, Daniel Kladnik.

I donated again this week after two years; not as much as I would like but I still received a delightful personal thank you message from Daniel. The sort of thing you wouldn't really get from Microsoft or Google, let's face it! I feel I can also help by spreading the word, reminding those who may have seen this before, but also bringing it to the attention of those who have not previously been aware of this useful little browser extension. There are versions for Firefox and others too.

If you live where cookies are required by regulation and are getting fed up with constantly "accepting/agreeing" to their usage, then this is the extension for you!

In a similar vein, I remind you all that you do not have to put up with ads on your browsing; I use AdBlock Plus for regular viewing and also AdBlock for YouTube. It really unclutters the screen and one can agree to let some ads through on sites you wish to support.

'Sall I'm saying this Monday. Other than... twenty-three periods of sleep... you all know what I mean!


  1. Running late here YaYa just finished getting the tree decorated and a few things sitting around the house.
    No gifts under the tree and the M&G and B and I decided to donate what would have been gift money to the food pantry and animal shelter in their county. Everyone is still working to get over Hurricane Florence's devastation.
    Hugs HiC

  2. The Cookies thing does not bug me as much as Ads. I have found the News sites are the ones that won't let me read their news unless I turn my ad blocker off. Funny--the "fake" news sights don't--no wonder there is so much fake news out there.
    Sorry we have not been commenting. I did read whilst on vacation, and I have been reading (for pleasure) during this "rollout". After the one last June and now (6 moths later) going through it all again, I sure wish I could retire...but alas, that is not in the cards. I shall have to work until I cant (or I win the lotto).
    Love Barb

    1. Hari Om
      Yes it's true what you say about certain sites requesting 'white listing'; I have found that most will still allow reading, it is only a request. Some though, are quite bullying about it. Which means I don't visit them at all. We have one reliable newspaper here which permits visits without even subscribing - asking only that folk consider making some payment out of choice (which I have done as it is a good paper)... What, you want it's name? It begins with G and ends with n and means one who looks after... Yxx

  3. Thanks for the advice. I find the ads to be eerie. It's as if they've bugged my house and eavesdrop to know what ads to put in front of me. Since I make some money from my Youtube channel, I guess that I can't complain about them. My Youtube Channel supports my photography habit. Thank goodness...

  4. some people unfollowed me because of the eu-law,they explained why and excused but I'm sad anyway... idk if they are right or not, but at last it is bitter for me...

    1. Hari Om
      Well silly them... if they are in the EU there would be no escaping things, if they were not, it wouldn't affect them anyway. Either way, efurrybuddy online has to accept the fact that they are tracked and that tracking is by cookies, whether or not they are asked politely to agree to this. To 'not agree', (just refreshing memories here) simply means that they will continue to see all the stuff they want to see, but a lot of stuff they don't want to see. The cookies are the things which tailor the advertising - as per KB's comment above... If one must put up with ads, at least let it be in the realm of the acceptable and not run the risk of random.

      Unfollowing people makes no difference at all in this matter. Perhaps folks who think this way or use it is an excuse, are better 'out of the way'! Yxx

  5. I love the '23 periods of sleep' thing. great way to say IT... ha ha.... THEY are always watching and it would not surprise me to know part of the THEY that are watching is the federal govt. thanks for the info on how to control some of it.

  6. We always appreciate your techie tips and advice!
    Hazel & Mabel

  7. Have used an ad blocker for over a year. Things run faster, too. namaste, janice xx


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