What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

MenoSundays; Life Loved Lovingly

Picking up once more the theme of Psalms as sung here in the Bonny Land. This style is very much now restricted to the far North West of the mainland and on the Hebridean islands.

Precenting was to be one of the assessments at the Mod, held recently in Dunoon. However, it was a great disappointment to find that it did not take place due to no entrants. This is not altogether unexpected. It takes skill to precent and finding apprentices in the diminished populations of this hinterland must be problematic.

This little 'byte' about precenting gives you some insight. The style may seem familiar if you have a Judaic background and also if you attended any of the churches which grew up in the colonies from Scottish tradition. Call and response is used in many ways in different places; in this tradition, the 'glissando' is important and - more than tuneful singing - it is of essence that the singers all make the notes an appeal from the heart.


  1. Oh dear do I hear you...it seems the 'old' ways traditions are falling to the wayside in many ways with increased populations from all over and all the technology.
    I enjoyed the music
    Hugs HiC

  2. Mom had to look up the word precent - that's a new one to her. The music was lovely to hear. It was interesting to see that the men and women sat separately.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  3. its beautiful, have never heard it or about it either. Our churches have changed drastically in my 74 years. all the old ways are fast disappearing. I also enjoyed listening to the narrator, with the lilt in his voice...

  4. At times the sounds had an almost mournful edge bring to mind Negro spirituals as well as some of the mountain music. Lovely. namaste, janice xx


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