What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menolyrical; Final Friday Fiction

For my own entry to this month’s FFF, I chose that classic of dystopia by George Orwell, “1984”.
 8 - revolution
12 - prefer
16 - him

“Permit yourself, just this once, to walk a path opposite to your choice. See it from the other side. The revolution was not about individuals like yourself but about the whole of our society. There can be no haute couture of governance. Only ‘one size fits all’. Which, of course, is a complete misnomer. Some will feel too constrained, some will feel drowned. Most, though, will be content with the fit because it allows them, it allows YOU, to let it happen around you and you can get on then with being your individual self.”

Zara glared at him. Which did she prefer, she wondered. The individual she once knew her husband to be, or the button-pushing atomic tyrant he had become. Staring at the screens showing the aftermath of the ‘revolution’, knowing there was no society left to fit his one size, she had her answer.

She knew she had to return to her path and take him with her. When he slept, she opened the shelter doors, switched the air-con to external, and left.

(176 words)
© Yamini Ali MacLean 2019


  1. Ohhhhh YAM aunty is this a new series. The last 2 lines have me sitting on the edge of my seat.
    Hugs HiC
    PS I'll link up before bedtime.

  2. We like Zara a lot already:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  3. waiting to hear the next installment and I agree with the OP pack, like Zara, she sounds like me

  4. Zara is interesting. Want to get to know her more. Happy to report I was organized enough to get a FFF post ready for tomorrow!

  5. Wow!! Very powerful...Zara sounds like a very strong woman...can't wait to read more!!

  6. Zara is a strong character... I'm curious what comes next...

  7. I love Zara. She is strong and decisive... I am hooked and I want to know more! Well done!

  8. Now there's a story and a half! A bit distopian perhaps, inspired by the book the words came out of?

  9. We too look forward to more of Zara
    Hazel & Mabel

  10. To be continued, I hope.
    Cheers, Gail.
    PS I started to develop a FFF on the train down to Nottingham. It may appear next month!


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