What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoceptional; outstanding!

The postman rang twice.

No. Actually, he rang, waited, then knocked because I was slow getting to the door. He could have pushed it through the letterbox, being an A4-sized envelope and being all soft and squishy. I saw the postmark and knew instantly, with a huge catch in my heart, that Joanne was sending me some of her Love again. Can't quite believe it is four and a half years since I received the first batch. These two new towels will be equally enjoyed but in different places. One will travel with me as an all-purpose wiper. One is by my desk and will be my 'napkin', a cover for Voovoo the Vaio when she is resting, a wiper of eyes when they leak. I might use it now as I think of my friend.

Some of you will remember my darling blogpal from Cup On The Bus. She is a senior lady who has seen a bit of life in all its glorious topography. I found her very early in my blogging career and we bonded through the ether. In 2014 she posted me a pair of her very fine hand-woven towels and they have been a constant presence in my kitchen since.

I had the great honour of spending a week with Joanne and her family back on the big B.A.R. trip in 2016. It was a delight to find our ether connection transferred to the flesh (as it did with all the blogpals I met on that amazing visit).

Since my visit, Joanne has been through the wars. A dreadful accident when visiting Washington DC with her grand-daughter, in which a fall in a tour bus resulted in long-term hospitalisation, craniotomy, seemingly endless physio... and only just getting back on her feet, in the true sense, when there was another stumble and broken bones and hospitalisation and yet more physio. Joanne, in my book, is a true woman of steel. One of my personal heroes and inspirations. Whenever I get down on myself, I think first of my mother (who refused to go down) and straightaway with that I think of Joanne (who refuses to go down). I recognise a great deal in Joanne that I found in my mother. They were cut from the same cloth.

No matter how self-sufficient we are, or whether we are considered mentors or 'big sisters' in our own right, we all need someone else to inspire and support us (even if they don't realise that is what they are doing).

Last Friday was International Women's Day. Such things are made for the social media junkies with all sorts of viewing and reviewing of quotes from women of note. However, it is the everyday living which ought to truly inspire us. We ought all to have at least one immediate role model in our social circle. Yes, it's fine to admire those who have made a name for themselves, but they are a fraction of a percentage of the totality of womanhood on this planet. The rest of us are doing what we can to not mess it up, to balance the book of existence and to spread a little Love. It's kinda what we're good at.

If in the doing of daily living we can leave a small legacy of memory, all the better. In Joanne's case, it will be her weaving. Her output in recent months has been phenomenal and an enormous number of bloggers around the globe, myself included, are finding these gems of Love and industry coming through the mail. We have been blessed simply for being there as commenters, e-pals and (very occasional) huggers.

Despite all recent knockbacks, Joanne got up again and knocked back. Having to give up a great deal else, she has held onto her weaving and found a purpose - aside from improving her Pinocle skills and ensuring Toby cat gets attention.

It put me in mind of a quote. 😊 hehehe...oh yes, there had to be one. No fear of this for our Joanne.


  1. YaYa what a wonderful tribute to JoAnn. My goodness she has GUMPTION!!
    I love the gift
    Hugs HiC

  2. Joanne sounds like a tough cookie. What a lovely tribute to her and a beautiful gift from her.

  3. Joanne sounds like a wonderful human, the kind the world needs in much greater numbers.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  4. you found so wonderful words... that what are true friends are for...

  5. a truly great tribute to your mother and Joanne. just more proof how strong women are and always have been...

  6. Joanne sounds like a wonderful person and a true friend.

  7. Yam, you are too kind. The picture is larger than life (nicely done, dear friend), and so are her words. It all comes to the same thing: we're all people, in this together. We don't get out alive, so make the best of it.

  8. How wonderful you got to meet in person!
    Hazel & Mabel

  9. Sounds like a real trooper!

  10. I 'spose I be mad!
    Actually, I'm with you. My heroes are those who plod on, despite adversity, one foot at a time. xx


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