What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menolyrical - Words for Words' Sake

A repost...

Kite Sunbright

There was a gull, once, I heard;
An edgy, questioning bird
Who flew and flew and flew and flew
And pestered every one he knew

To tell of something unseen,
About which he was too keen.
Hidden in every wave and frond,
He found it in the blue beyond. *

An ancient lad wished to fly;
Done with earth, he wanted sky.
Stole another's feathers - what tax!
Paid the price when he sealed with wax.

First, it seemed that all was right
As he soared like bird in flight;
Above the clouds he reached for Sun
 - and that was that his story done. **

Noble bird, the eagle kite,
Commands air with regal might.
Ascends the thermal stairs with ease,
As if the gull and lad he'd tease.

No doubts or angst interfere,
To the sun draws ever near -
The feathers his, no wax in sight,
King of the skies is Kite Sunbright!

©Yamini Ali MacLean2013

* J L Seagull Esq.
** Icarus


  1. we know such a gull, who pesterd my dad, snitched his sandwich and decorated his jacket... and we also know the ancient lad who said the sky is not the limit... well done !!!

  2. It is a bit windy here today, we are going to check what is flying up in our skies:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  3. Ah yes I am familiar with that gull...don't tell Big M but once when she was a wee lassie and we were at
    the Seafood Market in S.F., she was fast asleep one made a deposit just inches from her head on the stroller handle
    Hugs HiC
    PS cannot make a Gavatar...it won't let me use my email BECAUSE once when I was young and stupid I set up a WP acct.
    then I deleted it but evident WP doesn't recognize it as deleted.

  4. Lovely the second time around. And if I ever read it again, the same.

  5. Nice one! My body is not built for flight, tee hee. namaste, janice xx

  6. Here in Aberdeen, we know all about those edgy, pestering gulls!

  7. We so remember those nasty gulls at the beach that would wait for a family to head for the ocean to swim and then they would ransack all of their lunches!

  8. Love the poem. And it makes me smile that you chose to repost it today, as I woke from a dream about Icarus. Life is strange and quite wondrous isn't it?

  9. really beautiful. we have many gulls here that pester people at the beach.. and in the outdoor decks for food and drink.

  10. This is inspiring. I feel the need to be creative. xx


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