What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menolyrical; Final Friday Fiction

There is no place to begin~~ 
no place to complete~~
no place to rise or fall~~ 
where, oh where to land within~~ 
to shelter, rest feet~~
to feel worthy, stand tall~~  
It is all very tiring~~ 
this labelling with names~~
claiming identity~~
and what's all this aspiring~~ 
the playing of games~~
to be one thing or three~~
unnecessary dancing~~ 
artificial lines~~
desperation tactics~~exaggerated prancing~~
"look-at-me-now" signs~~  expostulatory antics~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Be. Just be. You are you. I am me. We are we. 
Don't stare. Don't compare. Don't glare. Don't flare. 
Flow. Smoothly go. Life's too short. Don't snort. 

Sometimes when we are looking for our spectacles they are on our head and we just can't see them | 
Sometimes we think our keys are lost, but they were in the pocket all the time | 
Sometimes we are looking for wood but see only trees | 
Sometimes we are digging for gold, missing the value of earth | 


© Yamini Ali MacLean
(first published on Medium in October 2019)


  1. YaYa what a wonderful post. I like all of them especially the Be segment.
    I saw a a license plate today meant for you: CAPTAL L
    Hugs HiC

  2. I wish I could have read this when I was a pre teen and learned to believe what you said here, it would have made my life so much easier than it was. I stared and compared and glared and flared. because of that I could not flow or smoothly go.. and as life is short and I now know what you say here for the value it has, my life is really short. great post

    1. Hari OM
      Thank you for this fabulous response to the words above! Yes - if we were but wise in our first years... Yxx

  3. Sometimes we must just be. I'm upstairs watching a chick flick. JB is watching football. I'm on the upswing. He's on the down! They are just colds, though. xx

  4. I go wif da flow - espeshully if it are a flow of gravy!!!

  5. Life is too short. Thanks for reminding us.

  6. Just a wonderful post. Thanks for these wise and true words.

  7. that is true!!! can you imagine that the cooling plant of a nuke was our swimming pool as we were kids? no one thought about "what if"...

  8. Gorgeous photo and powerful words ^_^

    Happy Moments to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


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