What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menollcrookit; Falling Foul

Well, pals and pups, I's been at the father's place since 28th. I came at that time as I wanted to see my two younger sibs before they headed back to parts south of the border. They had been caring for the father over Christmas week. Both of them had a very heavy viral infection. The sense of bringing that north with them might be debated...

Only one night and then we waved them goodbye. An afternoon then spent catching up with the father.

Monday, I barely sat down. Himself had invited neighbour M and his old cobber Ron and wife Annette to 'afternoon tea'. All very nice. What are you going to give them, father? Some of your baking, daughter. Really..???

Three-thirty arrived and the spread was out. So busy, I totes didn't get any photos. A red tablecloth on dad's long trolley, and mum's old Noritake White china. YAM's mini-samosas, carrot and parsnip pate and tattie tartlets (potato cases filled with egg and cheese mix): then my rum-tainted health loaf... and I was saved from other baking by the fact so much was in the cupboards from the young Macs seasonal stock up. Thus there were also banoffee gateau, German Chockuchen (or something) and the inevitable chocolates. Spicy Parsnip Soup was presented in mugs for the savoury part and lashings of Assam tea for the rest. A glass of 'cheer' for those who wished it also. Which most did. It was a three-hour chat-fest and dad enjoyed himself muchly, as did his guests I believe, which was the rewarding part for me.

I slept well that night. Tuesday morning my throat was ablaze. Nothing more and all the fresh Vit C I could manage was thrown at it throughout the day. Father and I sat through to the 'bells' and shook hands for the New Year - as by that time I was clearly infectious and didn't want to hug him.

New Year's Day, I was a zombie. Mac1 jumped into the gap from what was supposed to be her break away from it all. She had sniffles, but nothing more. Father developed snuffles and the chest symptoms I had, so she was caring for both of us! She finally got released yesterday and, although still hacking my lungs, I am pretty much back on board.

That's the update of the state of play over the YAMster's way. I hope that you all have had a better and more energetic start to your year!!! Be healthy.


  1. Yes indeed the wisdom in bringing the creeping crud north...
    I'm glad you were ok when Father's friends came to visit. That was important to him I'm sure. Thankfully you had Ann there to help you and Dad.
    Here's to starting of the 2nd week of 2020 healthier.
    Hugs Cecilia

  2. We send you healing purrs. Its not fun when siblings leave you viruses! My sister usually does that, but she is in Vancouver and I am here! I did manage to bonk my head though. I broke a bone in my inner ear in a car accident in 2001 and now I get vertigo if I hit my head. I have been a dizzy blonde for the last week and I am mightily tired of it!
    Get healthy!

  3. Oh dear, cross fingers you truly are on the mend. Things are looking up after a viral start to the New Year here too.
    Cheers, Gail

  4. Hoping you will mend quickly! Lots of water, hot soups, and good rest for you. The spicy parsnip soup sounds yummy.

  5. Hi Yam - hope life comes back to 'normal' soon ... bugs et al are foul - not things one needs at this time of year. The tea spread sounds delicious ... take care and all the best as the year progresses - cheers Hilary

  6. The afternoon tea sounds delicious! We hope you're back to 100% soon.

  7. so sorry you were the recipient of the crud brought to your dads home, both of you. this makes me want to stay home until the creepy crud is over and done... hope you feel better and better each day... I know your dad and his friends enjoyed themselves and do pray the guests did not get the sore throat. hope your world rights itself soon

  8. Oh that's a shame you had a horrid start to the year. Wishing you good health and good fun all through. Feel better soonest. And stay well.

  9. We sure hope that you are feeling better!
    Mabel & Hilda

  10. It sounds like you put on a great meal for everyone. Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. We have our paws crossed that you get better soon.

  11. Oh, Yam. I'm so sorry. You got it, too. It's awful.
    I hope you get well soon. I'm on the mend. JB, almost.

  12. I'm pleased you made it home behind the big bus driver.

  13. My oldest sister is battling the same thing. It must be world wide this year. I am always amazed at what 'tea time' is on your side of the pond. Sounded delish. Wishing you and your dad regained health soon! namaste, janice xx


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