What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

MenoSundays; Life Lived Lovingly.

A re-post, but not a 'boomerang' - when I throw this one out to the world I do not wish its return, but rather that it be passed on... (originally published on Medium.)

"Let Love Blossom"
 (HH Sw. Chinmayananda)

The quote says as much as need be expressed, in many ways.

I put it to you, however, that there can never be enough said about Kindness and the extension of Love with the capital 'ell' (my own little by-line). That sunshine which warms the hearts of all who witness it cannot fail to show on the face, as well as through the words and deeds of the Lover.

If at all there is a universal currency of humanity, it is that Love. The Love which has no boundaries, but respects all boundaries set. The Love which knows only how to give and receive without expectation of recognition. It is pure, untainted, egoless, without form, odour, colour. Its only property is that it can be felt.

When we feel that Love, all imitators are obliterated. All small loves become insignificant, just as candles held before the sun.

It is not a jealous love, a mean love, a love with conditions, a love with expectations, a love with demands, a love with desires or lusts.

It is the Love which surpasses all understanding. Yet, in its presence, we know it and understand it.

Wherever we are in this world, no matter our culture, this Love resides. All we have to do is open our hearts, turn ourselves toward that 'sunlight', and blossom.


  1. What a beautiful quote for Mother's Day (here in the US)
    I say it is also Nurturer's day so a very happy Nurturer's Day to you who nurture so well.
    Hugs cecilia

  2. That was really beautiful. Now of all times is the time for all to figure out how to let love blossom.

  3. Last line says it all for me! namaste, janice xx


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