What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menorise; Saturday Sayings

I was contemplating making this my new banner... but will place it in the sidebar after this. Just feel that we need to be clear; there are no 'silver bullets' and we need to keep our vigil on social etiquette and hygiene. 


  1. Absolutely spot on. The truth. There is no short cut. Wear the mask (a clean one) and wash your hands! And the rest of it.

  2. Amen. It may be a new year, but we have to keep being vigilant and responsible.

  3. That's a great reminder to everyone. It's too bad that, at least in my country across the pond, too many people aren't following those guidelines and we will continue to see increases in cases for months to come.

  4. Wish they were little more self isolation, still need pay check.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  5. Speaking of side bar - how's that puppy getting on? Now that Mr B is here (and has time, inclination, interest and motivation to sort all the technology involved) we get a lot of UK tv - including (it seems) ramped up advertising for donations to guide dogs for the blind. Support dogs generally, in fact, are an amazement we don't usually treat with the wonder and awe they deserve. xxx

    1. Hari OM
      Three to four times a year Pupdates come through - when I get 'em, my readers get 'em!!! Yxx

  6. Exactly! It's the only way we're all going to get through this and eventually move on.

  7. I think it is perfect for a header... i just do not understand why people will not do these simple things. it is not like it is hard to do... love it

  8. Here here yes indeedy this is not a time to be a 'me-me' person we have to think of everyone.
    Hugs HiC

  9. A really good one, Yamini didi ... 2021 isn't going to be dramatically different -- howsoever we might wish -- from what we went through in 2020. There are still a number of uncertainties as far as the virus goes. As you rightly mentioned, caution will be the keyword, even if we inch still closer to what we have been use to till early last year.

  10. Love it! We really wish ALL people would realize there is no great conspiracy, and that this is NOT something to inconvenience them.
    Love Barb

  11. Just staying in my own air for the next several months. namaste, janice xx

  12. Wish everyone could understand this. It isn't that hard.


Inquiry and debate are encouraged.
Be grown-ups, please, and play nice.