What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Me-Now-VIews; Less Speak More Peek; A Boom and a Rang

It is right about now that one starts to crave the change of seasons and looks forward to summer colour... Here are some historic shots. Well, 2016.


  1. Those lovely pictures helped to warm me up as we are heading into a week of super cold temps (a high of 12F or -11C for the day).

  2. How good and lovely that all looks. There still is a cap of snow on my pots.

  3. Living in a monochrome world right now, this splash of colour is most welcome!

  4. oooh bring back the flower time... it is great to see this photos while we turn into siberian pups with da cold weather...

  5. beautiful flowers and love the fuzzy bee.. I can't imagine how much you miss all the summer flowers, since we have them year round . I have been in Florida for 37 years and would not want to live anywhere else.

  6. The beautiful flowers are so colorful and cheerful!

  7. I happen to be a huge fan of boom and rangs...
    Ditto to Molly's comment
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Oh how lovely! Each season is beautiful in its own unique way.

  9. It is -20 here today. Cinnamon tried to walk on 2 legs...My winter coat is not thick enough for the gentle breeze! I needed the flowers! Thanks and here is to you having an amazing day!

  10. How refreshing! Ready for spring to burst out. But Mother Nature says no. Just a bit more cold weather. namaste, janice xx

  11. With single digit temps here now for three days and worse coming, those flowers are heartwarming:)

  12. Is it okay if I am not with you on this one? I just looooooooove snow!

  13. Such a lovely break from the gray days around here!


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