What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Me-Now-Views; Less Speak More Peek; A Rang or Boom

Suffolk churches...


  1. Love all the photos, especially the stained glass. Nice play on boomerang:)

  2. My trophy sister in law, Hazel lives in Cambridge, with her husband Tony, who works for the National Trust. I don't suppose you're returning any time soon.

  3. that is a great place... we love old churches, it is a special feeling to sit at a place where people sat hundreds and hundred years ago...

  4. Dear YAM-aunty, are those carved animals dogs or hares? And what is their significance in a church? We note the flint construction. A builder friend of ours who specializes in repairing and modifying old houses reckons that building with flint is like building with a truckload of tennis balls. We guess that flint knapping is time consuming. xxx Mr T and F

  5. Lovely photos today, very evocative. It's now over a year since I set foot in England - my longest ever absence.
    Cheers, Gail.

  6. Hi Yam - excellent photos ... I'm sure there's another name for the finials on bench ends ... but these are beautiful. and a wonderful selection for us to see - all the best - Hilary

  7. Oh YAM you out did yourself today. WOW each photos stunning and the stain glass, stone work and architecture
    Hugs HiC

  8. I am loving the hinge on the gate in first photo and the stone tower is gorgeous... all the photos are beautiful

  9. The stonework is just beautiful and I love that deeply set stained glass window! Great photos!

  10. Beautiful shots! And I love the animal filials (even more than the stained glass). Thanks for sharing! You are awesome. I whope you have a marvellously happy day! Barb

  11. Your beautiful photos make me homesick for travel. Is that even such a thing? Homesick for travel? Guess a better description is wanderlust is overtaking me with the beauty you have shared. namaste, janice xx

  12. Those are all such great pictures. We love the carvings on the pews.


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