What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoizikkuls; Midweek Musicalisms

Long before there was boot scootin' there was dabke(h) - Levantine Line Dancing for all joyous occasions, but particularly weddings! Watch for the passing of the baton for leadership, how the leader turns to the audience and troupe in measures, the footwork. Yes, again it's all about the footwork.


  1. That was a lot of fun to watch. The fellow in the front is very good and very light of foot for such a big guy:)

  2. Very cool! Who knews peeps could move their feets that fast??! BOL!
    Ruby ♥

  3. Yes, amazing footwork! Nice one.

  4. Yes, the baton bearer in particular is a joy to watch.

  5. That was fun to watch! Thank you!

  6. i could do the marching part but after that, nothing except a slim chance of catching the baton. ha ha... if i could do this i would be dropping those pandemic pounds quickly

  7. WooHoo line dancing, flags and batons and very very impressive foot work with catchy music.
    Hugs Cecilia
    PS my nephews and their peeps will not be out and about doing touristy things while RVing. They like peaceful and quiet parks. They will just be doing exactly what they do at home just in their RV. They pick parks within about 30 minutes of a Super Walmart so they can order groceries online for pick up just like at home.

  8. Can you bring those dancers to my next pawty? I am so grateful and happy that you are part of my life! Thank you for being at my birthday party today. Celebrating with you and other friends was the best part of the day. - Slobbery Kisses Cinnamon

  9. I haven't done line dancing in ages and ages! Ditch diving today, though. I'm going to be achy tomorrow.

  10. Made me think of the days in the Eaglette dance line in high school. 55 years later I certainly could not keep up with that crew. namaste, janice xx


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