What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.......March Mayhem In Prep For April

Well, what a week. I have been beavering away at building a dam of alphabets on the photoblog, the instything... and have resurrected Aatmaavrajanam (The Roaming Soul) using the AZing to get myself rolling again there. Four places, four sides, keeping it all square...

The photoblog, from April 1st, will be exploring the twenty-six letters with images from my years in Australia.  Not many, when all is said and done, but it was good to look through all my archives again and have the odd watery moment of homesickness. The process did bring forth the consideration that any trip that I might now make back to the land of my heart is likely to be some way off yet - if it ever happens at all, with the way the world (and my own situation) is now. Just the way it is. Anyway; all piccies picked and posted on schedule, so nothing more to do there.

Then for the instything, from April 1st, I have opted to make decorative letters and overlay them on some of my archival images tying into that letter and there will be a little more wordiness than I usually put there. Even if you don't subscribe to IG, you can still view it on your laptop/desktop computers. There is no facility to pre-post there (unless one upgrades), so I will be posting each on a daily basis during the month.

A/TRS, from April 1st, will be hosting a rerun of my first A-Z series, which was originally posted here. However, it is actually more suited to that blog and has been edited a little to update it, so I hope that newbies might find something of worth in it and those who have read it before may find the three-year gap sufficient to revisit it. As of yesterday afternoon, I completed those edits and scheduled posting.

This blog, from April 1st, will thunder through those same letters but with rather more rattle and hum if my brainstorming during the night is anything to go by. The theme is to be 'COVIDitionitis', that word I coined last year to convey all the effects of a world gone slightly squiffy. I have yet to begin writing those, as there's the small matter of an FFF offering for tomorrow to sort out first. However, the mind has not stopped working through the keywords and the range and I have begun to realise that it may well be a place of catharsis for myself... but may result in a rough ride of reading for all of you!!!

Don't say I didn't warn you. Jus' sayin'. 


  1. Look forward to reading your take on this ‘now long running’ yearly event.
    I took part in Arlee’s first one way back in 2010. It was fun but life got in the way each April after (and yes I could have prewritten and scheduled posting) so haven’t done again.
    Will be a surprise seeing what you write and am going to enjoy that delight
    Take care

  2. It sounds like it will be a very active month with lots to see and ponder. Here you have a month's worth of April posts, and I barely got through one for today before the day was done.

  3. I am amazed by you! You are all set for APRIL! I'm barely keeping up with life - sconces, ceiling fans, doors, and every other tiny detail of a house. But, I am looking forward to your alphabet!!!!

  4. Phew, I'm exhausted even before heading out to join my Thursday bike ride!
    Cheers, Gail.

  5. we are curious to read da furst post april 1st...

  6. April is going to be totally hectic, is it not? I will be checking on your posts. Looking forward.

  7. the whole wide world is suffereng from coviditis, me included... waiting to see what pops up here on April foolsday

  8. We look forward to all you have to offer during April and will try to get to more than just this blog.

  9. YAM what a lovely photo to accompany your words.
    I too wonder if we will be able to make one more trip across the pond.
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. We will try to follow the blogged bits of your massive undertaking. strength to your soul to see it through. Fz & Pz Mr T

  11. Well that will be some fun! namaste, janice xx


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