What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menolyrical; Final Friday Fiction

Is it really four weeks since the last FFF? I really must have a word with the timekeeper!

I apologise for using last year's badge in my reminder post. My bad. Have deleted that file now so can't fall into that trap again. I must admit, also, that the day has come upon me a little unawares, due to all the load mentioned yesterday. That said, let's see what I can make of the following...


Dear madam, would you please
just a little portion, 
nothing more.
A roti, some rice, an idli or two?

Dear sir, would you please
just a spoonful,
's all for now.
A cauliflower or some dahl would do.

Dear student, would you please
Bring a poori
or chana, just that.
Or pawhaps, more than that, a few?

Dear kitchen-wallah, please
whatever is left
would be fine.
And from all, just a little coochy-coo?

©YAM 2021

Kaneya was one of the ashram residents - tolerated for his excellent guarding duties and soft nature towards staff and students. As with most of the Pariah dogs in Mumbai, there was a bit of something else mixed in there - I strongly suspect Golden Retriever! He certainly knew about food and how to wheedle it out of us all. Despite regulations...


  1. Dear YAM-Aunty, that is such a beautifully composed poem. It pictures the scene in India so vividly, and you understand us pups so well.
    Toodle pip!
    PS Gail loves the poem too!

  2. Like all creatures that must live by their wits YAM-aunty. Here's our contribution https://tiggerswee-blog.blogspot.com/2021/02/the-other-half-final-friday-fiction.html. Have a good day. Furrings & purrings Mr T

  3. we love the poem and we hope he got lots of tasty food efurry day

  4. Love your poem and it goes perfectly with the photo of the sweet begging pup!

  5. Kaneya is gorgeous and what beautiful furs. He also had excellent manners
    I did so enjoy the poem
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. he is beautiful and the poem is perfect. i would give him food and coochy coo any time he asked. Beau said to tell you he loves cauliflower, raw and cooked...

  7. What a wonderful piece of storytelling(both the picture and the poem)!

    Arty's FFF can be found here : This is my FFF post!

    Beth's FFF can be found here : This is my FFF post!

  8. What a great poem and story of the pups begging for some tidbits from your meals.

  9. Dropped off some stuff at DJ's house yesterday. I thought I could leave easily but. . . those blue eyes wedeled a ride around a few blocks with the grandparents. Then she was a happy girl! Dogs do know how to work us humans. namaste, janice xx


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