What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menorise; Saturday Sayings

 "There is geometry in the humming of the strings, 
there is music in the spacing of the spheres."


  1. Harmonics as well as being a geometry can be a damned nuisance when it is two heating plant humming away in the night creating that awful wooow wooow effect. The wall mural is interesting. Is it part of something larger? Fz & Pz MrT

    1. Hari OM
      Yes, it is from one of the many wonderful murals Lee and Sweet William The Scot showed me Cincinnati... you can see the full mural, several pics down in this post... Yxx

  2. I have no idea what geometry is other than the word for the classes I did not take. I stopped and did a search and now know a little more . that said I like this photo a lot.. I know about Tiggers plant humming, our AC drives me nuts

  3. Ohhhh that is a pretty picture...my mind's eye sees Easter Eggs
    Hugs HiC

  4. I LOVE the picture/painting! Is it on a wall?
    The accident was a shock. I just about managed to avoid it. The car is totalled, the deer was killed instantly, but Cinnamon and I were unhurt- must have been the etherish blue light for pawteckshun! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Beautiful! We are hope we are back again after some very busy times!

  6. That mural puts me in mind of Easter eggs. Guess it is that time of year. Lovely mural. namaste, janice xx


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