What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

MenoAZinkulling: H

This month here at the Wild YAMster's bloggy, you are going to be regaled with words related to feelings and happenings of the last twelve months. Oh yes, you know of what I talk.  This is to be the ALPHABET OF AAARRGFIZZZ... We've all had to deal with it. This will be a reflection purely from my point of view. You don't necessarily have to agree with what I say; just appreciate where it's coming from. Normal service will resume on May Day. (By which time I may be yelling that down the ether phone loud and repetitively!)
Health. There, I said it. Got it out of the way. Definitely one of the keywords of Coviditionitis. The thing that gets me a bit agitated is that we have to be learning all this stuff over again. You know... Hand Hygiene. That's "we" in the generic sense. As a family, we Macs have always been a bit Hyper with Handwashing. Our dearly departed mother was manic about it, and as kids, there wasn't a thing we could do without first turning on the taps. Particularly if it was to do anything in the kitchen. The fact that we have all been, directly or by association, health professionals just adds to it. 

I suspect a level of cultural difference also. Down Under, on the whole, hygiene is high, and folk are all the time washing their hands - including after you know what. On my return to these northern isles, I have to admit that I observed a good deal less attention to such. I have always carried with me the alco-gel to suffice until I could reach soap and water, as I have been mostly consigned to public transport for my travel. 

Hands are one thing; wiping of surfaces is another. I am possibly a bit obsessive about it and have always been. When I see others being less so, I fair twitch! Yet here we are, nearly two hundred years into knowing about the transmission of germs by touch, and we seem to be no better at applying the rules of hygiene. 

Now there are new rules around covering our faces and how to do it effectively. Many people complain, but the simple fact is that they just do not understand the benefit for many unless they land up sick themselves. 

At the governmental level, there have also been considerations around economic health; indeed, I would go so far as to suggest that yon buffoon, known as Alicksinner Boaster da Potter Jugson, only really wanted to concentrate on that part and let the whole health and wellbeing of the population go fend for itself. Dashed inconvenience this thing. There's the small matter of Breakshit to get going. The sooner we can get out of Hades, the better. Oh no, wait, her up north is going slow - maybe we better exercise caution too... so how soon can we really open up? What third wave?

See you tomorrow for the ongoing saga. Please be aware that there is more I amAZing over at 


  1. "H" was the letter made for this past year. Surfaces are my pet peeve too but keeping them clean seems to be a never ending battle. This was not the most fun year, was it?

  2. we love that part to get out of hades... yes... that's what we have to doooooo........

  3. Hi Yam - H for Health is the obvious choice for this year ... it's been so difficult for everyone; I just consider myself lucky to be where I am in life and haven't had any struggles, nor anyone in the immediate family. Now we just need to improve all of our health as simply as we can over the coming months and H for hope life sorts itself out world-wide ... but more importantly here too. All the best - Hilary

  4. With all of the handwashing, I have never used so much handcream throughout the day in my life!

  5. Oh YAM you struck gold with this post. I have always been an avid hand washer. When preparing meals I might wash my hands 87 times. I was a germAphobic...B.C. so you can imagine the overdrive my mind went into with the arrival of the dreaded Covid virus.
    Sending hugs

  6. Hooray for Hand Hygiene! I can’t tell you the number of times, pre-COVID, that I would be standing at the sink in a public restroom, and a woman would exit the stall AND the restroom without washing her hands! Ugh.

  7. H is a great letter, there are so many things it could be. Health is at this time the most important, pandemic and because I am fast getting ancient... things are breaking, health is top of the list for important.. i have always been good at washing hands, but not so good on social distancing and this Hellish Mask is making me crazy

  8. Hopefully 2021 will hold more Happy and less Health woes....

  9. Hi! Hello! Happiness! Hope! Home! Humanitarianism! Harmony! Heartfelt! Harmony! These are all H words that make me think of you! We hope you have a gloriously happy day!

  10. Yeah, Hand Hygiene is the one that's stood out for me over the last year!

  11. True, eh? One would think that by now, we'd learn how to keep our hands clean.

    The Old Shelter - The Great War

  12. H was for sure the letter of the year - Health and hand washing. And let's not forget it was the year from H*LL!!

  13. Hand clapping for all the hand washing!

  14. Covid taught the entire world how to wash their hands!

  15. Health. Such a thing we take for granted and when it is then challenged by something so tiny and invisible. I think a lot of people have learnt that perhaps those hands are not as clean as they thought. And all the comments you see occasionally come by about how 'masks sap a person's intellect away', how 'masks stop you breathing', how 'masks blablabla', you wonder how dumb some folk actually are. Or is that just me?
    I heard one colleague of mine actually say: 5% is nothing. Well mate, if you ever win 5% of a million, just give that 'nothing' to me.

  16. We have a few to catch up on this week... happiness. It's something we have had to think hard about in this health crisis. One piece of research based advice we read is those are happiest who give to others, and happiest among those are they who give some of what they value most. I (F) value health, fitness, physical mobility and wonder how that translates. Thank you for being thought provoking and promoting discission.

    1. Hari Om
      That is a good aitch word - and we have had to dig around the undergrowth this past year to find a little of the Happiness, have we not? It is true that to give of something one values adds to the value of that happiness - but greater than that is the spontaneity, the unreservedness of the giving. (I do address 'happy' in tomorrow's post...) Perhaps F can think in terms of offering that fitness and mobility to one who possesses less of these things but needs the worth of them? Once we are free to mix again... Yxx

  17. Wash your hands has been said by many a mother and nanny. Now as to how actually completely the job was done was not always the best. Having grown up in an area prone to droughts and not underground source hygiene may not have been the best. Things changed as indoor plumbing was available. Thank you government for coming up with rural electricity and water systems! Happy, healthy hands. namaste, janice xx


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