What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Me-Now-Views; Less Speak More Peek

This little set is all from the archives - but have been tizzied and trimmed and they were posted to Instagram... but thought that made them useful to show here too!


  1. An interesting collection of pictures today.

  2. I love that first one a whole lot! There's nothing like a Lab sleeping in the sunshine!

  3. Wonder what that building (with the clock atop) is, it looks so tenderly imposing.

    1. Hari OM
      That is the Victorian Pier here in Dunoon (Argyllshire) - it is definitely a landmark! Yxx

  4. oooh what a wonderful mix... are that wigs or real people in da window?

  5. Bertie and I are looking forward to seeing one of those photos in real life very soon!
    Cheer, Gail.

  6. Great photos! My favorite is the sleeping pup.

  7. of course to me for my favorite it is the dog. he/she looks just like 2 of ours from the past. my favorite arty photo is the wigs in the window... i am singing How Much is that Wiggy in the window

  8. Do you have an underlying link (date, place, theme, sentiment, decision-making prompts....anything) that links your choice on these days? It is exciting and eclectic but something must have made you choose these particular ones from your vast collection??? Fz and Pz Mr T (and F - who rather likes the monochrome power pylon scene)

  9. Oh yes YAM I agree definitely each a must see here. Sweet critter faces. I wonder if a magenta wig would work for me? LOL
    Love the sliver of moon
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. I like those wigs. Not sure which one I like best: the stripey one or the purple one. But the little lamb is my favourite by far. So cute!!


  11. Such a wonderful selection today,I don't think I can pick a favorite!!

  12. Of course for us, the photo of choice is the one of the sleeping pup:) And that church caught our attention too - beautiful lines.

  13. Well, now upon second glance, maybe it is not a church - but we still very much like the one with the clock tower and vane at the top.

  14. Terrific shots! You do have a photographer's eye. Our favorite is the Moon!

  15. I am pulling most from my archives, too. No new trips for photos. namaste, janice xx


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