What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoizikkul; Midweek Musicalisms

You can blame this month's theme on that rabbit warren. You know. The many potholes one falls down when looking for something else entirely. A la Wonderland. 

This month is about MALAMBO.  Despite my love of dance, this one had escaped me till now. I saw this video first - but was immediately captivated and started watching more and more... so, my dears, I present to you a month of gaucho gyrations! I worry for them, so I do. There are going to be sore joints and injuries galore, one thinks. Particularly the ankles. Watch those ankles!!!


  1. great!!! but one wrong step would ruin the whole event... so they have to be concentrated like crazy ;O)

  2. Hi Yam - gosh great hips too ... loved seeing this ... thanks for sharing with us - all the best -Hilary

  3. I can't wait to show this to Tigger and see whether it captivates him too. F

  4. LOVE IT! if i turned my knees, feet, ankles backwards like that i would be i hospital... love that mural on the wall also... I have not heard of this dance before

  5. Wow - that is quite the workout and they are very good dancers!

  6. OMword my weak ankles hurt just watching. They must have some very hearty hearts.
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Great indeed.Towards the end fast movements. Talented. Sore joint is sure.Poor ones

  8. Amazing energetic dance! Great to watch. 🙂

  9. Those gauchos sure know how to cut a rug!

  10. That skill level! Although I wonder how many pairs of shoes they go through in a year, they sure did get a severe beating!
    (I watched on my phone, with music on!)


  11. That is an amazing dance. I wonder two things. 1) Did the the original choreographer keep accidentally twisting his ankles so just made it part of the dance? 2) Would any woman ever do this dance considering how badly it treats one's shoes? Question for the ages. namaste, janice xx


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