What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Me-Now-Views; Less Speak More Peek

More night shots... It's about the only exciting thing around The Hutch at the moment! Notably, Jupiter shining bright as can be and with the Fudge, I was able to obtain a view of some of the moons - just about. Enough to know they are there at least! Dear old Fudge is starting to show its age, but also, fighting the layer of damp air between here and there doesn't help with focus and sharpness. Still, it was enough to excite me. First, Jupiter is to the right of the moon. Next shot, with Callisto showing how distant it is from Jupiter. Then the one clearly showing Ganymede, Europa, and Io. Then three general shots. That ship was moving at a lick, I could barely get the camera up before it was nearly out of shot!

Always end on a high note, right?!


  1. Intriguing and beautiful night skies.

  2. super!!! as if the moon has a little sibling... or maybe that was ET who came to visit us?

  3. YAM to this I say
    Fly me to the Moon
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. Hi Yam - always good to see the night sky and what fun that you have such excellent view-scapes. Peace in the evening ... take care and all the best - Hilary

  5. I like easy's comment, the moon has a little sibling.. great shots! and the last is the high point for sure

  6. Cool pictures! We've never tried using our camera to see something so far away as the moons of Jupiter.

  7. Super coll. Have you ever been to the dark skies observatory at Kielder? They showed us a cool gizmo that you can use to take pictures of what you can see in a telescope - with any camera or pucture taker. It's just a little mirror arrangement that sits on one side. Moons of Jupiter is very neat tho. Mr B will be envious; he is into that stuff. xxx Mr T

    1. Hari Om
      Kielder, yes. Many long years back...and there are many dark skies to be had on the west coast here too. If you look far enough back in MacHistory, you will note that I have been a serious amateur astronomer for many a long year. I no longer have a telescope - could not be transported from OZ to the Hutch, so am making do with just the lens power I have. One day again, though, who knows...Yxx

  8. Impressive shots of night sky.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  9. Interesting and lovely shots, as usual.

  10. Woman, you are better than NASA for having successful moon shots. ; ) namaste, janice xx


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