What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.


... Drew a blank yesterday afternoon as I realised I had a post to fill in here...

See? Quite literally. Blame Paralympitis.

However, as I was meditating upon the emptiness, an email came with the summer pupdate for Sprout. Short and to the point...

...and that is about it. September, folks. Time has become a waterfall...


  1. Those Olympics are addictive. Glad to hear Sprout is doing well with his lessons.

  2. good news about sprout... that blank is a good thing for facebook... no one can blame you... maybe the color could be not the right one, who knows ;O)))

  3. Hi Yam - oh how very frustrating ... I hope you'll feel easier (sometime) ... it's an awful female thing.

    Sprout looks like he's guarding a row-boat I used have family trips out in about 65 years ago!!! Ambleside ... wonderful area - no wonder he was happy ... good for Sprout. Cheers and all the very watery best - unpleasant to say the least - cheers Hilary

  4. Oooo-eeer - so Sprout is now a full sized dog then? Will they be changing his name - Cabbage perhaps? xxx Mr T

  5. I'm still giggling out loud at the blank! Too funny and I needed the laugh haha and Sprout really looks wonderful and I'm glad that he's doing so good

  6. I agree with MS the blank made me giggle. Sprout is w/o a doubt a most handsome working dog in training
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. A waterfall! I'm ready for winter.

  8. I think Sprout was a great last minute addition!!

  9. What a fun trip and learning experience for Sprout! He's such a handsome boy.

  10. That's great news from Sprout!

  11. Great job Sprout.
    Time is just a blur. Sigh!

  12. I am so glad I am NOT the only one! However, life here has been busy, which has cut into my time for blogging. And it will get worse between now and the end of the Canadian Election, I will be working the voting station for Elections Canada. It will help pay off the flooring I just purchased to redo the whole house.
    Sprout is quite the dog! I am so glad we got an update!

  13. The blank mind. good for Sprout. namaste, janice xx


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