What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

MenoSundays; Life Lived Lovingly

No action can ever take place without there first being the thought to generate it.
The deeds display the thoughts...


  1. that is true... and the only things what is really free....

  2. I read this one twice! agree with every word and 100 %.. my thoughts keep me awake when I should sleep, make me fret and worry over things I can not change, lead me down paths I don't want to travel. they also are very helpful at times... My thoughts rule my life, and most of the time i can't rule them

    1. F's like that. Sometimes her thoughts are like the bits of film on the cutting room floor all spliced together to make some mad reel of disconnected randomness. There's no explaining what image starts it and where it goes from there is well......don't go there, in that direction lies madness!

  3. This is a new and quote to me and I really like it.
    For certain my mind's eye is in charge of my thoughts
    Hugs cecilia

  4. I have been thinking a lot about my thoughts and the impact they have on my life, they are super powerful!

  5. So, true! It's thoughts that guide our actions.

  6. I LOVE that quote. I know that how I think affects my actions. And I think I shall wish you a marvellously happy day!

  7. That's a very powerful quote. Sort of puts the oomph behind "think before you act".

  8. That's a great quote and we like what you added, too.


Inquiry and debate are encouraged.
Be grown-ups, please, and play nice.