What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoizikul; Midweek Musicalisms

Here's something different again... a Norwegian Folk Carol. The translation is below.

And here are the words... (and I have no idea why the title disappears, but it's the first line of the song anyway...)

Mitt hjerte alltid vanker

Mitt hjerte alltid vanker,
i Jesu føderum,
der samles mine tanker
som i sin hovedsum.
Det er min lengsel hjemme,
der har min tro sin skatt,
jeg kan deg aldri glemme,
velsignet julenatt!
En spurv har dog sitt rede
og sikre hvilebo,
en svale må ei bede
om nattely og ro;
En løve vet sin hule
hvor den kan hvile få
- skal da min Gud seg skjule
i andres stall og strå?
Å, kom, jeg opp vil lukke
mitt hjerte og mitt sinn
og full av lengsel sukke:
Kom, Jesus, dog herinn!
Det er ei fremmed bolig,
Du har den selv jo kjøpt,
så skal du blive trolig
her i mitt hjerte svøpt.


  1. Hi Yam - this is quite delightful ... wonderful choice ... love it - thank you. Cheers Hilary

  2. it fits so perfect to this land...

  3. music is muscic no matter the launguae it is sung in. beatuiful voice and song and stunning photos

  4. Music to my ears and warms frosty ears
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. That was so pretty. Thank you for the words too. Such a peaceful sound.

  6. That is lovely! The images are amazing, too.


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