What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Me-Now-Views; Less Speak More Peek

The first of these posts from OctoKan the Chromebook. Working with images is quite a different prospect than it was on Voovoo the Vaio, but I am sure it won't take me too long to adjust. These images were prepared on Voo and are being taken off a flash drive - but eventually, I hope to be able to work directly. Enough words. Here is a series of images taken over one week looking in the Southerly direction over the Clyde. 

As I muttered to Gail, it gives an entirely different emphasis to 'fifty shades of grey...'


  1. I like the definition, Fifty shades of grey.

  2. amazing how fast the sky can change this time...magic?

  3. The fifty shades of grey is spot on and a beautiful shot.

  4. they are indeed at least 50 shades of gray and as I scrolled I wanted to bring them into picmonkey and PLAY with the shades and make them sparkle.. I agree, edits are much tougher to do in Chromebook. somethings work ok using PM on chrome but not all

  5. YAM you are so clever...what gorgeous photos from the Hutch while you and Gail were probably having a cuppa..
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Hari OM
      I should, perhaps, point out that this series was taken over a week at the same time each day... Yxx

  6. Crikey - you even get the upside down mudflats effect up there (it was our least favorite London decor as well). Some of the cloud and water surface textures are great. xxx Mr T and F

  7. At least you have a nice view of the water even if it's a bit obscured at times.

  8. What a nice series! I really enjoyed seeing the daily weather changes!

  9. These views were what I thought about while on the beach earlier this week. namaste, janice xx


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