What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Me-Now-Views; The Variations

For a handful of weeks, I will share with you the photos of the artwork discovered in dad's attic, which has my name attached to it. One at a time - and a couple of them will be used for FFFs. This helps me use up these images and covers the lack of fresh lens fodder incurred with my having pretty much been stuck in the Hutch all these months! 

In the early to mid-1980s, I was having quite a spurt of artistic output. I did then (and still do) use this to express sentiments and thoughts in a way that words sometimes fail to do. Not that anyone will necessarily understand the images any more than they would understand my words.

A difference between art and words as mediums of expression is that with art, at least, the beholder can make their own version up. Words tend, on the whole, to be taken at face value.

I used all sorts of tools but did go through a phase of this cut paper, mixed media sort of thing. I was also keen on pressing flowers at the time, so I incorporated them into several pieces. They haven't withstood the ravages of time particularly well.

What, exactly, was my thinking on this one? 

This one was dated 1982, and on the back, I had scribbled 'sinking' so it might have been prompted by the Falklands War.

Or, perhaps, I was reflecting as I so often do, the state of Nature...


  1. You may keep "Sinking". I see "Rising". A brown haired girl in a yellow shirtwaist and blue skirt rises above the wall. She has another feather to let float down and pick a place to settle.

  2. we love it... it is great to discover something from the past and to remember the time we created it...

  3. What a fascinating combination of shapes, materials, texture and colour. I wouldn't have associated it in any way with 'Sinking'!

  4. What an interesting piece of artwork. Love it!

  5. I am with Gail, not sinking but lifting up is what I see. good idea to post these, will look forward to what the young you did back then.

  6. Ohhh YAM if you were to name it today would you still name it Sinking?
    I love the colors you used
    Hugs cecilia

  7. I really like the cut paper for expression...beautifully done!

  8. Hi Yam - fascinating to see your creativity here ... such an interesting piece of art. Thanks for showing us - Hilary

  9. Does it bother you that you have to now ask what exactly you were thinking if the artwork itself doesn't suggest it to you - to you the person who made it? We suppose it is only a question worth considering if the artwork was actually meant to say something in the first place. If it was simply an exercise of creative right brain activity, a devotion or meditation in the absorption that real creativity can engender, and the calm, peace, lightness that comes after - then who cares what you were thinking at the time - you might not have been aware of thinking at all!

    1. Hari OM
      LOL - fair enough... although I tend to think of these things in the same way I do poetry. What one was thinking as a teenager or 20-something, becomes foreign country to the mid-60's life-lived vet!!! The fact that one can interpret what one is reading/seeing after four decades with 'used specs' on, absolutely permits that one can question 'what the **** was I thinking?!' I do know that any artwork I produce is, like my poetry, prompted by D&M thinking - so yes, thinking definitely plays its part. Yxx

  10. Interesting interpretation of sinking. Looking back to journals or artwork is an adventure in itself. namaste, janice xx


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