What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Friday Foodables; eggsNrice...

Sandra wanted to know about cooking eggs and rice in the microwave. Aitch wanted to hear me speaking in these vids. I finally got around to filming this... but I don't have a pro camera, lighting, microphone... so you will understand why I don't normally talk on these things! I hope you can make it out. 

The key thing to remember is that the wattage of your microwaves will make a difference to the timings, so always err on shorter times and keep checking the food before adding time if required. Please note that I use large eggs - if you use small eggs, again, adjust timings accordingly.

Regarding rice; most people think only in terms of standard long-grain rice, and then in either white or brown. [Read more on nutritional differences of these.] However, it is definitely worth considering Basmati as an alternative. Especially if you would prefer the advantages of brown rice, with a bit less hassle of preparation (longer soaking and cooking times) and sometimes the digestive kickback. Even white Basmati holds its own against standard brown rice... and you can get brown Basmati if you wish for even more boost!


  1. I prefer Basmati too. Enjoyed the video.

  2. I realy enjoyed the vid and hearing you too. Look forward to the next one.

  3. Everything looks so yummy. I loved your video!

  4. Good job on the video, and now I feel I really KNOW you better after hearing your voice. the finished dish looks really good. I might have to invest in a rice bowl..

  5. This is a really good idea! I like How To videos. You have so much knowledge! xx

  6. OMCs I'm hungry now. I love omelets and rice. We buy grocery store brand brown rice
    Hugs cecilia

  7. I really enjoy your videos...especially the inserted sub-titles(thanks for the Friday giggles!). The egg recipes looks delicious....and I really need to eat more rice!

  8. What a fun video. We might have to try the rice dish some day.

  9. Hi Yam - it's great to see how you cook things ... I'm so 'off' microwaving things - and have taken to putting, I hate to say it, white frozen rice into the oven to cook - it works well enough for me, as I do other things at the same time. Congratulations on being brave enough to set up, do and post the video ... cheers Hilary


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