What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menorise; Saturday Sayings

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."
(Leo. da Vinci)

"Bouncing Bertie", who became known as the boffin of Blogville, left this life yesterday.
In deep compassion and love, his human, Gail, wished him the rest he now deserved.
Bertie was one of the first blogs I ever followed - and became one of my first followers in return.
Due to that connection, Gail and I have formed a fond friendship.
Thank you for that, Bertie lad - and for all our visits together and the licks and cuddles.
RIP - you may be gone but will never be forgotten.
Much Love, YAM-aunty xxx

(if anyone would like to download the image, feel free to do so - it was taken in the gardens at Dunoon's Castle House)


  1. Thank you for the privilege of keeping Bertie's image. /Fay

  2. How sad. I never thought of him as anything but ageless.

  3. Thank you so much for this beautiful tribute to my beloved Bertie. He so enjoyed his trips to the 'Hutch', where he knew he would find only warmth, love and kindness. A dog knows and responds to a generous heart.
    Gail xx

  4. We had only been reading Bertie for a year or so, and Joanna has said it perfectly - he seemed ageless. Our hearts go out to Gail. We will plant something lasting for him as a tiny memory in a far flung corner.

  5. Hi Yam - yes the simple life is the best ... and dogs can help us with it, while the coming of Spring brings hope ... for Gail - have a peaceful weekend ... to you both - with thoughts - Hilary

  6. Thank you for this beautiful memory of Bertie, hugs and love going out to Gail in her sorrow. Rest in peace, run free sweet Bertie.

  7. YAM what a beautiful image for Bertie...thank you I will be using it
    I will so miss his bouncy self. Gail gave him the most amazing life full of adventures.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. An elegant quote and flower . . . and an elegant Bertie. He will be so missed.

  9. What a beautiful quote and daisy. We will miss Bertie for a very long time♥

  10. What a fitting tribute to Bertie. We know you two had a closer connection than many bloggers ever get to have.

  11. For all the problems with the internet, it does allow us to connect with people we have no other way of knowing. We are grateful, thanks to you, we were able to meet Bertie and Gail. We know how much he will be missed. We join you in your sorrow.

  12. May there be comfort in the memories of this fine fur friend. namaste, janice xx


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