What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Me-Now-Views; The Variations

This Thursday would have marked my mother's 86th birthday. Most of our artistic talent (all we Mac sibs have skills) arose from her genes, we feel. She was always appreciative of our efforts but was also pretty good at constructive criticism. I recall she particularly liked this piece... mainly because it incorporated one of her own favourite mediums - weaving!


  1. that are wonderful memories... and how great that this talents and skills are with us for all the time...

  2. Such a lovely thing to remember your mother by. Yesterday was the fourth anniversary of my mother's death. No artistic skills from either parent in my case I'm afraid!
    Cheers, Gail.

  3. What a beautiful piece with such wonderful memories.

  4. So beautiful , Thanks for sharing.

  5. the weaving is really pretty, i like the colors you used on this piece also.. Bob will be 86 in 6 months which means he could be your dad, wow, now I do feel OLD,..

  6. Hi Yam - your mother gave you many talents ... but her art gave you creativity too - this is an interesting art work - so pleased you've still got it. Happy memories - with thoughts - Hilary

  7. YAM what a cr8tive piece of art. I loved making pot holders as a child. I have a small weaving loom.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Such a lovely memory, and what wonderful textures and contrasts in this piece!!

  9. Nice to have someone in your life that encouraged and appropriately critiqued creativity. Women in my family passed on knitting, crochet, sewing....and it stopped at that.

  10. Such a sweet memory to go along with your lovely artwork.

  11. Interesting combination of your works. Lovely, namaste, janice xx


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